Telefy — Worlds First Credit Score Oriented Multichain DEFI Solution

5 min readMar 6, 2022



introducing: Telefy token which is historically the world’s first credit score oriented multi chain Defi solution which also operates a decentralized finance system (Defi), Telefy was developed by a group of experience team members dedicating decades into blockchain development,
Telefy is going to be a permanent solution to multiple blockchain problem with unlimited Access stretch out to Dex, lending launchpad and NFT

The main purpose for the creation of Telefy token is to enhance trading by bringing multiple dex, lending, launchpad , NFt with telescope to provide positive and durable solution to various blockchain problem by aiding and empowering Decentralized finance market and building a sky scraper with windows of opportunity to generate revenues

Telefy is not just secure but has developed lots of features to ensure it’s users get maximum satisfaction and gain access to generate revenue, at the moment the value of the market capital for decentralized finance is Worth over $150 billion and there’s high possibility of Defi market hitting it’s peak to an enormous amount even more higher as times goes on .
Currently just in January 2022 the market capital of uniswap and Aave are around 15.8 billion and 3 billion respectively and the estimated average Dex volume per month is varied in the spectrum poive leap growth in years to come.

Basically Telefy seeks to influence the Defi market in order to help generate revenue Defi know as decentralized finance is a new seamlessly working technology formulated to aid many financial situation and significantly help to remove third party in the legal model so as to reduce the cost and Yield , it’s been observed that some users of the platform lack basics knowledge about how the whole crypto market works and also about credit value which most times they make mistakes of paying More the the actual or initial interest rate, but Telefy has come to bridge the gap by creating series of remedy through the Telefy telescope

What is TeleFy

TeleFy, in a nutshell, brings in a way to associate trustless tele score i.e, credit score for every wallet. The Tele-Score services come along with the Telefy platform determines the creditworthiness of each wallet and produces the most appropriate interest rates for the users who are availing the benefits of a lending pool. Based on the holds in the wallet and the transactions performed by the users, the Tele-Score gets impacted and so at any point in time, users could pay the interest that suits most for the lending they opted in.

Tele-Score will be published as a microservice, which is open-source and can be leveraged by any exchanges or users who are interested to consume this service. Tele Score can be a transformational service that can change the way of most of the DEFI solutions that are in the market today, by distinguishing users into multiple categories based on their date of joining the DEFI chain and other credentials



Tele Swap is a multi-chain protocol that allows users to swap coins, adding liquidity using AMM (Automated Market Maker).


Tele Lend is a multi-chain and automated lending protocol that allows users to lend or borrow using Tele Score.


Tele Score is a multi-chain programmable protocol for effectively calculating the creditworthiness of users, based on their holdings, transaction history, and a few other relevant parameters.


Tele PAD is a multi-chain model that supports initial DEX offering (IDO) for the users who have TELE Coin stak. Tele launch PAD will be available in Telefy to run any IDOs. This launch PAD is a multi-cross chain and hence users who stake TELE coins can participate in IDO. IDO launch PAD projects will be evaluated strictly based on different parameters and by the Telefy team. Tele score will be determined and shared before the IDO goes live. 10% protocol fees will be collected by launchpad and will get distributed to the users who staked TELE coins. Tele PAD will run the IDO launches in Ethereum, Binance, Matic, PolkaDot, Cardano, Solana, etc.


Tele NFT is a multi-chain NFT marketplace where you can buy or sell NFT. Tele NFT protocol fees will be distributed to the users who staked TELE. Telefy will launch its own NFT marketplace where you can buy or sell NFT. Tele Score will be calculated for the traders who trade in the Tele NFT platform as well. Tele NFT protocol charges 0.27% fees which will be distributed to the users who staked TELE coinsNFT marketplace will be available in TeleFy in multiple blockchains which includes Ethereum, Binance, Matic, PolkaDot, Cardano, Solana, etc.



As of Today, most of the DEFI solutions are working on Lending Pool (LP). The interest rate is either flat (20%) or a highly dynamic one based on the utilization ratio. Also, the users who are holding or trading coins in DEFI are not benefitted by any credits. In addition, platforms that are existing today offers any one of the crypto solutions such as DEX, LP, NFT and Launch Pad but, not all of them.

For More Information:

Forum Username: kilmatulula47
Forum Profile Link:;u=3418981
Telegram Username: @kilmatul
ERC Wallet Address: 0x3401E80194DbD0134aB5F9C60B258Ed71A5ad849

