A speed guide to Naturism for the outsider: Part one

UK Naturist
6 min readMay 23, 2017



What’s the difference between a naturist, nudist, clothes-free person?

They’re all the same. People sometimes use these terms artistically to convey a link to nature, nudity or freedom in particular.

Why are naturists all old white men?

They’re not. There are naturists in every culture and of every age, shape, gender. Some are more repressed than others. In the west, old white men seem over-represented in all areas of society.

Do naturists wear clothes?

Yes. Clothes are good at protecting your body from the elements. It gets cold, rocks are sharp.

Do I have to be naked at a naturist club?

No. I have gone entire events fully clothed (this is the UK after all). If you are clothed every visit however, you’re probably not a naturist, and clubs won’t have you back.

Must I join a club or organisation?

No. You can swim and hike naked, be naked in your garden or at home. It can help to join a club so you can meet friends and discover new places to enjoy nature.

Body image

Do naturists all have big dicks, pert breasts and slim waists?

No. Naturists look like you do. They have the same pressure to look a certain way as everyone else, but they find at a naturist spot, they don’t have to care about it.

Do naturists wear makeup, jewellery, have tattoos?

Sometimes. Naturists keep their fashion and style when naked. Sometimes they ‘dress up’ for a party.

What is top-free[dom]?

Men can walk around topless. Women have the same right.

Do naturists look at each other naked?


Do naturists judge each other (on how they look naked?)

Much less than non-naturists would.

Can you imagine your friends naked?

It’s surprisingly difficult. Naturists tend to look each other in the eye and recognise each other by their face and head, just like non-naturists.

I have a small penis, saggy boobs, I’m overweight, etc.

Naturism can help you accept that and become confident. Naturists have the same issues that you do, but they recognise it’s a problem for all people.


Do naturists have sex?

In private, like you do.

Do naturists have big free-love orgies?

No, that’s swingers or the free-love movement.

Do naturists swap wives, practice tantra?

No, that’s still swingers, and tantric sex people.

Isn’t being in a group of naked people really sexual?

No. If you want it to be. If you’ve never tried social nudity you might think it’s a kind of voyeur/exhibitionist environment highly charged with sexual energy where everyone’s waiting to fuck.

In reality, it’s the same as daily life. There’s nothing sexy about watching someone cut the grass, or play boules. The thrill of seeing lots of naked people lasts about fifteen minutes.

Do perverts come to naturist clubs?

Occasionally. If they make it through security, it’s really obvious and they get forcibly removed. Most naturist clubs take government ID details and have friendly local police.

Do people get aroused?

Yes. At the same moments as they would doing any other activity. It’s fleeting since naturism isn’t sexual.

Pornography & Media

I’ve seen seedy naturist photos and videos online?

Some porn producers put out videos that are meant to look like naturism. They are aimed at a specific fantasy market. It’s not naturism and nothing like the reality.

Every time I type naturism into Google, I get porn?

Sadly so. Worse, searches for family naturism often bring up child pornography which is trying to avoid the law. Naturists will never run sites like this. Don’t click on them.

Are there any genuine naturist photos and videos?

Few. Clubs often have a photo archive from their past events, and club photographs on the walls of their buildings. There are not many because protecting the privacy of those in them is incredibly difficult.

Can I take photos?

Not usually, and never without the permission of a lot of people. This has the benefit that nobody can take photos of you either. You can expect privacy for you and your family at a naturist club.


Are there naturist children?


I’m a child, can I come to your naturist club?

Only with your parents.

Does family naturism damage kids?

No. Also, there is research suggesting it makes them happier, creates closer families, and reduces worries around body image while growing up.

Are naturist teenagers more likely to get pregnant?

No, less likely. Naturist families are closer and naturist teenagers have a more grounded view of human anatomy, so their sex education tends to be better.

Are there naturist pedophiles?

Yes. Naturism isn’t more immune to this than any other family activity and naturists are well aware they can be a target.

Remember that any would-be pedophile will be trapped in a naturist club that has 10 foot high barbed wire fences and several adults who will be rather angry with them. They may be remote and some distance from a hospital. It is rather rare.

Should children cover up at a certain age?

No. Naturists don’t force others (including their children) to be naked and they don’t force them to wear clothes either.

Some naturist children take to wearing clothes during puberty. We get it, we’ve all been there.

Is it weird being around naked kids?

No. For the same reasons it’s not weird being around naked adults.

What do children get out of naturism?

Positive body image, wonderful holidays, memories, the chance to play in and explore nature, closer family bonds, friendships with other naturist kids, clubs with unlimited swimming, lakes, nature trails, games.

Are naturist children bullied [for naturism]?

Sometimes. Other times it’s for wearing glasses, being tall, short, fat, thin, ginger. Naturism can provide the confidence to realise bullies are echoing their own insecurities. It can make apparent that physical criticism is down to lack of experience on the bully’s part.


What’s a naturist club or activity?

Like a golf club. A group of people who get together to practice naturism. A number of clubs have their own land, buildings, swimming pools, camping pitches. It can be quite impressive. There are even small towns in Europe.

Other types of clubs include regular swim meets at a particular pool, or walking and social groups. There are religious groups (like naked Christians) and interest groups (like naked artists).

Are all clubs run down like the one I saw on a documentary?

No. In the UK, there are a lot of clubs who lack support. Membership is declining, they’ve no money, facilities get run down, and it’s a death spiral. Others have active marketing, regular new members and sparkling facilities.

There are booming resorts on the continent. It’s entirely at the will and passion of the club’s owners and members.

I’m a single man, gay, trans, have a nose ring, can I join a club?

Yes. However, it depends on where you live. Even in the UK there are a minority of hyper-conservative club owners who will discriminate against you. It’s a protection mechanism for them. You will find one of the many (often thriving) accepting clubs if you persevere.

The experience

Why do this?

It’s incredibly freeing to feel the air and sun on your bare skin.

Isn’t it terrifying when there are other people?

No. The other people are also enjoying themselves and want to be friends with you.

What about sun burn?

Naturists only forget suntan lotion once. Then they learn.

Why don’t more people do this?

Why aren’t you doing it?

Should I tell/bring my friends and family?

Yes. Wouldn’t it be nice if somebody had asked you to come along? Most people want to try naturism.

Should I take my partner/kids?

Yes. You should at least invite them. Naturism is social and you shouldn’t be secretive about it.

How do I get started?

Search online for “map of naturist clubs” to find somewhere local. Contact them and say you want to try.

Clubs will take a booking for a particular date. They will have someone meet you, give you a tour, and leave you to enjoy the place. It’s not like a gym membership, they won’t force you to come back.

Unlike a gym membership, they don’t have to.

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UK Naturist

Independent young British naturist. Interested in the naturist lifestyle, natural world and simple living.