What plants continue to grow under the snow?

Roman Oleksiienko
3 min readApr 21, 2020

We are used to thinking that winter is a time of rest and good sleep for plants. But is it?

Does grass and flower life always stop under the snow cover? Sure, the aerial part of the majority of undersized representatives of the flora withers and dies with density in autumn, but there are those that have green stalks and leaves throughout the winter. Mosses and lichens always remain green, they are not afraid of either frost or drought. Bracket fungus grow under the snow. Winter crops turn green. Often you can observe how in the middle of warm winter and snow, huge fields spread out with juicy bright greenery, as if in a fairy tale.

Evergreen and winter-green plants remain green under the snow. Evergreens include lingonberries, Veronica officinalis, cranberries, strawberries, Zelenchuk, European ungulates, sedge, and wintergreens. As a rule, all of them are at rest and sleep peacefully.

However, many plants continue to develop under the snow. They not only retain the old ones, but also grow new leaves, and buds appear. They grow under the snow, and as soon as the winter cover begins to melt, they make their way out and begin to bloom, basking in the sun.

One of these plants is snowdrop. The name speaks for itself. Delicate blue and white flowers can be found already in spring on the thawed spots, and they grew and formed under the snow, of course.

By the way, all plants that begin to develop under the snow cover, and in the first warm days are ready for flowering, are also called snowdrops. Pasque-flower appears in early spring on the edges of the forest and the southern slopes of the hills. Among the melted snow, pale yellow and lilac buds unfold, exposing the sun to its petals and stamens. The forest carpet is decorated with velvety rams and holly goose onions, white flowers of anemone, various types of corydalis. Our gardens are also full of plants grown over the winter. Like bright lanterns, crocuses burn among the remnants of snow, as well as muscari, primroses and scilla (scilla luciliae).

All these amazing plants make their way out of the ground and begin to grow in winter, under the snow, and with the onset of heat they bloom, give seeds, and then fall asleep for a long time. You will not find them in the summer and autumn, because the aboveground part completely dies. But tubers, bulbs, rhizomes continue to live, preserving the accumulated nutrients. Thanks to them, as well as snow cover and the process of respiration of plants, they tolerate frosts well and begin their development in the winter. It is important that they actively drink healthy meltwater, which helps to absorb the nutrients that have accumulated in the summer, and accelerates their growth.

Of course, having a good snow layer is a prerequisite. If there is little snow in winter, this could be a disaster for many representatives of the flora. Although you should be aware that such plants need a cooling process, after which they bloom more actively.

There is a version that the early primroses came to us from the Ice Age. This is confirmed by the fact that all alpine plants form under the snow and are essentially snowdrops. It turns out that the amazing messengers of spring passed through millennia, they managed to adapt to modern conditions, and continue to live and please us today. Therefore, the duty of humanity is to preserve this beauty for future generations.

Based on materials from: viaflor

Author: Roman Oleksiienko



Roman Oleksiienko

He studied the Ecologist at Kh.NU.V.V.Dokuchaev. Faculty of Agrochemistry and Soil Science. Lives in Kharkov