Dean Signori a Darlington based SEO Consultant

UK Web GeekZ
5 min readApr 11, 2018


How can having an SEO consultant like Dean Signori help your business?

Firstly let it be clear that some niches have it pretty easy in Google to rank high if they are only operating in a small local town or are in a very unique business. If however like the bulk of businesses you have a lot of competition and are competing for a rank in multiple cities and or nationally then you are certainly going to need and benefit from an experienced SEO consultant like Dean Signori. The benefit comes in the form of getting your website visibility increased which in turn will increase your calls and revenue which is a big help when starting or setting up a business.

Dean Signori

What effect does search engine optimisation (SEO) have on your website?

Search engine optimisation is a method used to gather keywords and data that we know Google can see, data that it values and uses to help it decide which sites to rank higher. We then use that data within your site content and to a large amount of off site content. Imagine the many types of personalities that exist in the world, the different backgrounds people have, the different age groups they come from, the different cultures and locations. Now imagine how different they each think and the different things they are likely to type in to search for something. The variables are massive and you cannot rank high for everything that everyone decides to type in but you can have a go at doing that stage by stage starting off with the most likely options. This is like casting a large net over the whole of your market and snagging as many queries and calls as possible by weaving it into your site content, future articles and offsite content.

How much does SEO (search engine optimisation) cost?

This is one of the first questions people ask and rightly so but in the world of SEO it is not how much will it cost but how much do you want to invest? Every piece of string has a different length and everyone has a different budget which is often dependant on the size of there market. Any company that offers to get you ranked in the top 3 in a guaranteed time period for a fixed cost is either deceptive or completely naive. We do have the power to rank websites but it is never guaranteed and is nearly always an ongoing process, if you have a sales person making outbound calls and it brings in revenue to pay that salespersons wage and profit the company then why would you stop paying that salesperson? SEO is very much the same the goal posts are forever moving in terms of being able to accurately manipulate Google but also in terms of your competitors they too will be trying to rank higher and gain more business and so you also need to keep chipping away at your offsite SEO.

What is the difference between onsite and offsite SEO?

Onsite SEO is setting up the code underneath your website to be optimised in the correct format that Google understands and then filling those snippets of code with what Google & your potential customers want to see using data that is gathered by Google via peoples search patterns and history. Offsite SEO is a similar process but its other peoples pages/sites that get optimised on behalf of your website either naturally by people writing about you which we have to admit is rare? Or by reaching out to people in relevant areas to write about you externally along with other more advanced techniques to boost the power of your website.

What is the difference between Google adwords, pay per click and Google shopping ads?

Basically Google adwords and Google shopping adds are both pay per click services. Google adwords are the text ads that you will see at the top of a Google search with little green boxes with the letters “Ad” like in the picture below, you get charged anytime a customer clicks on these ads even if they do not call or message you. Each business type has its own cost that can vary from pennies per click to pounds per click.

Google adwords example

Google shopping ads appear in a few places, sometimes at the top of the search on a carousel, sometimes to the right of search and always on the “shopping” tab in search. These are picture ads of your products and you get charged for every time the customer clicks. The data is also tracked so that if a click converts you can see how many times they came back to the site which can be a helpful pattern to understand for expensive products as you can see on average how long a sale takes to convert which can be weeks on high value items, i.e a customer returns to the site after speaking to partner, waiting for wages etc.

Google shopping ads

Can I speak to Dean Signori anytime I want?

Yes Dean Signori is available during typical working hours and off peak so you can get in touch directly with the person acting on your campaign to address any concerns on +44 7906392955.

Do you only cover Darlington & Middlesbrough?

We are based in Darlington and Middlesbrough but as you would expect we deal with clients all over the world not just in the UK, this is the nature of SEO, products and services needs to be seen internationally as well as national/local.

The article Dean Signori a Darlington based SEO Consultant was first posted on



UK Web GeekZ

UK Web GeekZ are innovators in the search engine optimisation industry and the tactics we use work.