Building A Stock Market Treemap in 10 Steps
I follow stock markets almost daily for investments. During the process, I have come accross a treemap visual that gives me an idea about stocks’ market cap, daily changes and sectors. It is available in TradingView and So I started to search how to make my own.
This is not a professional treemap, and definitely not to be used for commercialization or as an investment suggestion but a very good visual to follow your portfolio. And please note that it comes with delay as Google finance data.
Instead of receiving market data from a paid stock market data provider, my workaround is to use google sheets and google finance formulas to build data source for treemap.
So lets start:
In Wikipedia, treemapping described as :
“ In information visualization and computing, treemapping is a method for displaying hierarchical data using nested figures, usually rectangles.”
It has many use cases, however, visualizing sectors and tickers, their market cap and daily performance is useful for someone who follows the markets.
Here is a shot from
What does it tell:
- Technology is the biggest sector in S&P500
- Microsoft and Apple are the biggest (in terms of market cap)companies in S&P 500.
- The most green companies are highest positive change in the day by stock price
- Red ones are the companies with stock price decreasing vs. previous day
It is simple chart that gives a quick understanding of market and sectors performance.
So lets start to build our own.
STEP 1: Create google sheet, insert tickers and google finance formulas
- Go to google sheets and create your ticker list with below formulas
STEP 2: Share the sheet
We need to make the document available to anyone with the link so our code will be able to read.
Select «Anyone with the link» from General access tab. Click on Done
Then copy the link of the document for later use
Now go to your terminal , and install below libraries:
STEP 3: install libraries
pip install plotly
pip install numpy
pip install pandas
pip install matplotlib
STEP 4: Open Jupyter Notebook install libraries
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import as px
STEP 5: Read Google Sheets document and format to link to read it as csv
sheet_url = your google sheet document link here
url_1 = sheet_url.replace('/edit#gid=', '/export?format=csv&gid=')
STEP 7: Dataframe column adjustments
STEP 8: Set up color scale
color_group = [-1,-0.02,-0.01,0, 0.01, 0.02,1]
df2['colors'] = pd.cut(df['delta'], bins=color_group, labels=['red','indianred','gray','lightgreen','lime','green'])
STEP 9: Create treemap
fig = px.treemap(df2, path=[px.Constant("all"), 'sector','ticker'], values = 'marketcap', color='colors', height=700,
color_discrete_map ={'(?)':'#262931', 'red':'red', 'indianred':'indianred','gray':'gray', 'lightgreen':'lightgreen','lime':'lime','green':'green'},
hover_data = {'delta':':.2p'},
STEP 10: Update chart elements and display the graph
"Stock: %{label}",
"Market Cap(M): %{value}",
"Delta: %{customdata[0]:.2p}",
"Sector: %{customdata[1]}",
)[0].texttemplate = "<b>%{label}</b><br>%{customdata[0]:.2p}«
And here it is :
Please note that I have used 4 sectors in S&P 500 for visual simplicity: Communication services, Consumer staples, Energy and Utilities
However, you can choose your ticker and sector and fi,ll Google Sheets accordingly.
2- Create A Stock Market Heat Map Using Python
4- Read Data from Google Sheets into Pandas without the Google Sheets API