Top 5 hacks how to lose weight without sweating

Ula Stefanowicz
3 min readAug 3, 2017


Weight Loss Hack #1: Meal Planning

When it comes to eating you should avoid large plates. Avoiding meals may lead to undesirable outcomes, it’s good you take some snacks. Make an effort to fill your fridge with fresh foods and proteins. And when the crisper is empty, make sure the freezer is stocked with frozen veggie mixes or berries. You may be less apt to order out when you’ve got the makings of a healthy dinner right at home. Stick to a reasonably-sized breakfast with plenty of protein, so you’re not tempted to eat unhealthy snacks mid-morning.

Weight Loss Hack #2: Meal Preparation

Start small by making quesadillas, stir-fry, and veggie burgers which will take just 12 minutes or less. Take time to toss the junk. If you’ve got favorite not-so-great items you’d like to save as a treat, tuck them in the back of the pantry with healthier items, like whole grain pasta, rice, beans, and nuts up front. Serve restaurant style. Instead of lining up the breadbasket, casserole, and salad on the table, leave food in the kitchen. When you’ve cleaned your plate, take a breather then decide if you really want seconds. Changing up the environment in which your food is served can help reduce intake.

Weight Loss Hack #3: Choose Healthy Ingredients

Instead of taking usual milk, take soy or almond milk. Skip frying, and cut down on oil. Even healthy food can go bad when it’s been dropped in a fryer. Instead, pan fry or pop a dish in the oven. Use non-stick spray to sauté foods, or rub oil onto a pan with a paper towel for a light coating. You can even whip up a batch of healthier chips. Add veggies to omlets, baked goods, and of course, pasta dishes. Bonus: Try zucchini ribbons, or spaghetti squash instead or traditional grain pastas. Pump pureed veggies, like pumpkin, into oatmeal or casseroles. Adding a little vegetable action into a meal or snack will increase fiber levels, which helps make us fuller, faster.

Weight Loss Hack #4: Challenge Yourself

Grabbing an apple or a small cup of yogurt before meeting friends for dinner can help ensure you’ll eat a reasonable amount of that enormous entrée. And be sure to reach for the protein — research shows that an afternoon snack of Greek yogurt can lead to reduced hunger, increased fullness, and less eating come dinner time. Bumping up vegetable consumption has long been recognized as a way to protect against obesity.

Weight Loss Hack #5: Meal Journaling

Committing to a meal plan works best when there’s something behind it to drive you. So what’s your goal? Maybe you want to work on getting rid of sugar cravings, make sure you’re getting enough greens, or try to develop healthier eating habits to get in better shape. You might even just be sick of spending so much time in the kitchen and looking for a better plan. For some, the motivation comes down to making all of my food decisions ahead of time. That way, they less likely to stunt my progress by making impulsive unhealthy decisions.

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Ula Stefanowicz

Cofounder of eatpal — the mindful eating assistant. Our mission is to build the easiest nutrition assistant to capture, reflect and analyze our food habits.