The Prophet Muhammed’s Space agency

Maktab Ul-Islam
7 min readJun 6, 2024


Photo by NASA on Unsplash

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Did you know that Prophet Muhammed (Pbuh) had a secret Space Agency? At least this will be the only explanation an atheist will come up with by the end of this article if he insists on rejecting God altogether.

I will go through 20 miracles in the Quran in the field of astrology, and then you decide if this information is from God or if the Prophet (PBUH) came up with it from his secret Space Agency in the middle of the desert in the 7th century.

Get ready, bring your coffee, and let’s start.

  1. Expansion of the Universe

Until the beginning of the 20th century, many skeptics found amusement in ridiculing Muslims for their belief that the universe had a beginning, a notion at odds with the prevailing scientific consensus of an eternal, static universe. This changed dramatically with advancements in cosmology and astrophysics, revealing an astonishing alignment between the Quran and modern scientific discoveries.

Initially, it was believed that the expansion of the universe would slow down due to gravitational forces, potentially leading to a collapse known as the Big Crunch. Contrary to these expectations, scientists discovered that the expansion of the universe is actually accelerating, driven by an enigmatic force termed dark energy.

The Quranic verse 51:47, “And the heaven We constructed with strength, and indeed, We are [its] expander,” resonates with this contemporary understanding of an ever-expanding universe.

Imagine being a Muslim 100 years ago, steadfast in your belief while being told that your holy book contradicts science. The Quran describes the universe’s origin as a singularity from which it expanded, as articulated in verses that Muslims have recited for centuries. Yet, at that time, the scientific community overwhelmingly endorsed the idea of a static, eternal universe. Defending such beliefs must have been a daunting task.

However, as history often shows, the Quran’s assertions once deemed contradictory have repeatedly been vindicated by scientific progress.

One of the most significant discoveries in cosmology was the detection of the cosmic microwave background radiation. This radiation, dating back to approximately 400,000 years after the Big Bang, provided compelling evidence that the universe indeed had a beginning. In 1929, Edwin Hubble’s observation that galaxies are moving away from us, evidenced by the red-shift of their light, further substantiated the expanding universe theory. This directly pointed to a singular starting point, calculated to have occurred about 13.7 billion years ago.

This scientific revelation mirrors the Quranic verse 21:30, which states, “Do the disbelievers not realize that the heavens and earth were ˹once˺ one mass then We split them apart? And We created from water every living thing. Will they not then believe?”

3.Evolution of the Moon

Another remarkable alignment between scientific discovery and Quranic verses pertains to the moon. The Quran suggests that the moon once emitted its own light, but later became a reflector of sunlight. Verses such as 17:12 and 25:61 elucidate this transformation, which modern astronomy has confirmed through extensive study of lunar evolution.

3. Space is Dark

Contrary to the intuitive expectation that space would be brightly illuminated by stars, space is predominantly dark. This phenomenon is highlighted in the Quranic verses 15:14–15, “And if We opened to them a gate from the heaven and they continued therein to ascend, they would say, ‘Our eyes have only been dazzled. Rather, we are a people affected by magic.’”

4. Morning As A Skin Layer

The Quran poetically describes daylight as a thin layer that can be stripped away, akin to an animal’s skin. Verse 36:37 states, “There is also a sign for them in the night: We strip from it daylight, then — behold! — they are in darkness.” This description aligns with our understanding of the Earth’s atmosphere and the delicate transition between day and night observable from space.

5. Age of the Earth

The age of the Earth in relation to the universe’s age is another area where the Quran and modern science converge. The Quran indicates that the Earth was created when the universe was two-thirds of its current age, a timeline echoed by scientific estimates. Verses such as 25:59 and 41:10 outline this chronology, aligning with Carl Sagan’s cosmic calendar.

6. No Oxygen In Higher Altitudes

The Quran also touches on physiological phenomena such as the difficulty of breathing at high altitudes. Verse 6:125 mentions, “Whoever Allah wills to guide, He opens their breast to Islam; and whoever He wills to misguide, He makes his breast tight and constricted as though he were climbing into the sky.”

In the last century, we started to experience new altitudes that humanity has never experienced before. After the invention of airplanes, Rockets, and the International Space Station, we understood too much about the skies. But unfortunately, we also learned that the higher you get the harder it becomes to breath, until you reach a height where you need oxygen tanks to stay alive.

7. Location Of The Stars

The Quran emphasises the significance of the locations of stars, a concept that puzzled early scholars. Verses 56:75–76, “I swear by the locations of the stars, and indeed, it is an oath — if you could know — [most] great,” reflect our modern understanding that what we see is the light from stars that have traveled for millennia, not their current positions.

The first reaction of the Arabs normally would be: what is so significant about the location of the stars? Look, there are the stars, and that is their location. What’s the big deal?

So Allah said:

وَإِنَّهُۥ لَقَسَمٌۭ لَّوْ تَعْلَمُونَ عَظِيمٌ

If you just understand. If you have the required knowledge, you will know that this is indeed a great oath. Quran 56:76

Actually, they didn’t have the required knowledge, and this oath puzzled Muslims for more than a thousand years. Until finally we understood. Turns out, when we point our finger at a star at night and say, this is the location of the star, we are absolutely wrong. That is not the real location of the star. What we see now is the location where the star was years ago due to the time taken for the light to travel. The star itself now is long gone, it might even be dead already.

The question is to you now. Will you accept this as a revelation from God, or will you still claim that the Prophet Pbuh had a secret space agency in the middle of the desert in the 7th century?

8. Pulsar Star

The Quran’s descriptions extend to phenomena such as pulsars and black holes. Verse 86:1–3 describes a “piercing star,” which aligns with the characteristics of pulsars discovered by modern astronomy.

Ok, so now we understand that Allah is swearing by a star and uses the metaphor of someone who knocks on the door at night to describe this star. For more than a thousand years Muslims could not find that star, until Nasa did. [min 29:56 to 30:50]

We never imagined we would find a star that makes the sound of someone knocking on the door in the darkness. [min 1:56 to 2:04]

These are not the words of an astrologist in Nasa, these are the words of God revealed to our beloved Prophet Pbuh. Either you believe he was a prophet or believe he had a secret space agency in the middle of the desert in the 7th century.

9. Black holes

Another fascinating truth Allah revealed in the Quran puzzled Muslims for centuries is found in chapter At-Takwir:

فَلَآ أُقْسِمُ بِٱلْخُنَّسِ
ٱلْجَوَارِ ٱلْكُنَّسِ

“I swear by the hidden star that you can’t see, that moves and vacuums.” Quran 81:15–16

Ever heard of a star you can’t see that acts like a vacuum? I think I know one. A black hole. It’s incredibly dense with such powerful gravity that it can pull in a star. This leads us to another intriguing verse in Chapter An-Najm:

وَٱلنَّجْمِ إِذَا هَوَىٰ
“I swear by the star when it falls.” Quran 53:1

Scholars were perplexed for centuries, as the term “Najm” refers to actual stars, not meteoroids. We had never seen a star fall — until now.

This is a star falling into a black hole.

Check out this NASA video: (0:10 to 0:29).

“I swear by the star when it falls, Muhammad (PBUH) is neither misguided nor astray. Nor does he speak of his own whims. He only delivers a revelation sent down to him.” Quran 53:1–4

In other words, when you discover this phenomenon, you will believe this is a revelation from God. There are also verses describing the Prophet’s (PBUH) journey to Heaven, reaching the end of our Universe:

“This gateway is darkness covered in darkness” Quran 53:16

“The Prophet’s eyes were not affected by its illusion. He didn’t see things that were not really there. He certainly saw some of his Lord’s greatest signs.” Quran 53:17–18

What could be a gateway out of our Universe? This is Stephen Hawking. And here’s his 2008 lecture “Into a Black Hole”:

He explained that a black hole might have a passage to another universe, but you couldn’t come back. The Quran describes the end of our universe as an extremely dark place, where you might see things that aren’t really there. Hawking explained the first part, but what about the second part — seeing things that aren’t there?

Watch this:

The gravity of a black hole bends light passing near it, a phenomenon called gravitational lensing. So, what you see is behind it, but it’s an illusion.

“The Prophet’s eyes were not affected by its illusion. He didn’t see things that were not really there. He certainly saw some of his Lord’s greatest signs.” Quran 53:17–18

These aren’t the words of an astrologist at NASA. They are God’s words revealed to our beloved Prophet (PBUH). Either believe he was a prophet or believe he had a secret space agency in the desert in the 7th century.

For the video version of this Article including the references:



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