Finding Purpose Anew: Reigniting Passion on the Path to Tech

Uloka Ngozi Gift
4 min readMay 18, 2023


As I gazed at the computer screen, my mind was clouded with frustration and disillusionment. The once-bright flame of my passion for technology had dimmed, and I found myself questioning my purpose in the field.

Let me take you through my journey into the world of tech. It began in May 2022 with a small group of developers who were keen on introducing newbies to the system. Excited and eager to learn something new, I joined the group with high hopes. Unfortunately, my aspirations were quickly dashed as the group proved to be ill-equipped to support and guide beginners like myself. It felt like a wasted effort, but the little experience I gained during that time served as an eye-opener.

Later that year, in August 2022, I received another opportunity to join a renowned and well-established tech program. I was thrilled to have this chance to finally make headway in my tech journey. However, my enthusiasm quickly turned into frustration as the program’s syllabus proved to be far more advanced than what a beginner like me could handle. Despite my relentless efforts, I found myself overwhelmed and unable to meet the program’s demands. Eventually, I made the difficult decision to drop out bringing my tech journey to an abrupt halt.

Motivated by limited options, I resorted to independent learning. However, this pursuit proved to be a demanding and arduous undertaking, characterized by immense frustration, discouragement, and exhaustion. Returning to the earlier discussion, the sentiments of disillusionment and weariness became increasingly pronounced.

Little did I know that this moment of doubt would be the catalyst for a transformative journey — a journey that would reignite my passion and set me on a new path in the world of tech.

Amidst my situation, a ray of hope emerged when a trusted friend and experienced colleague shared with me a link to the Tiidelab Prefellowship Program. I remembered applying for the Tiidelab Prefellowship Program last year, although my first attempt was unsuccessful in 2022, I was overjoyed when I got accepted into the program this time.

Just six weeks into the program, I can say without a doubt that I made the right decision. Tiidelab has proven to be the missing piece in my tech journey, with a beginner-friendly program, interactive live sessions from knowledgeable mentors, particularly Unclebigbay, I developed a deep appreciation for his expertise and approachability. His remarkable ability to simplify complex concepts in HTML, CSS, and JavaScript left a lasting impression on me. Instead of feeling isolated, I was surrounded by a community that celebrated my successes and offered guidance during setbacks. It was within this nurturing environment that my passion for tech began to flourish once again.

I found myself surpassing all expectations as I emerged in the esteemed third position during the evaluation and assessment of our sixth week. This achievement was something I could never have imagined. However, it was the exceptional guidance and support provided by Tiidelab that propelled me forward. They took me under their wing, empowered me, and fostered my growth to an extent that far exceeded my wildest dreams.

I want to say a big thank you to TIIDELab most especially Mr. Shams, an exceptional individual who has made an indelible impact on our personal and professional development. His unwavering dedication to our growth is truly commendable, as he invests his time, effort, and expertise to ensure our learning journey is fruitful. Thanks to his invaluable guidance, I discovered the power of personal branding, the art of effective team building, and numerous other invaluable skills. It was under Mr. Shams’ mentorship that I began leveraging social media as a platform to showcase my abilities. I am grateful to have such a remarkable mentor and extend my heartfelt gratitude to Mr. Shams for his selfless support and guidance throughout my pre-fellowship journey.

Finding purpose anew in the world of tech is a journey filled with ups and downs. The discouragement I faced with previous tech groups was disheartening, but it led me to Tiidelab — a community that not only nurtures aspiring technologists but also instills a sense of purpose and support. Today, armed with newfound enthusiasm and a supportive network, I am excited to embrace the endless possibilities that lie ahead on my path in the world of technology.

