Behaviour Changes To Improve Yourself.

2 min readNov 19, 2020

Many people struggle with their image. In a world which focuses way too much on perfection and unhealthy standards , these makes us to fight with our own soul continuing to tear down our own body. This can impact your behaviour, lifestyle, happiness and what not. While it is very easy to fall into this habits we can also overcome and conquer it. Here are some ways and changes which can help u.

•Develop a balance diet.

Being balanced is the best possible way to keep up and here it goes for your body and what you eat. Food can make you productive and even make your body a burden but you can find a middle ground and balance between over eating or extreme dieting. A high nutrient and protien rich food taken in needed quantity is profitable . It will help you sustain yourself in the working world.

•Get some fresh air and do exercise daily.

Most people are aware of what is the impact of exercise in our daily life but still do they follow? Do you follow? Trust me even 10 min of some walking or light aerobic exercise can make you stress free but it’s not only what you can do ! Meditation and yoga have also been proven effective for a healthy mind and body. So, manage time and give it a try.

•Focus on progress not perfection.

One of the biggest hurdle in life is to get perfect whether it is to impress someone or getting a perfect look or what not, which is totally an unhealthy burden. Take time on your work you are focused and don’t have unrealistic expectations. No one is perfect everyone has something that is not perfect so think realistic and focus positively on your goals. Manage places for other things in your life and try to replace the negativity.

•Be kinder to yourself.

Possibly the most important thing you have to learn is being kind to yourself and others. It can be so easy to criticise yourself which will tear you down and hurt your mental and physical health. We usually judge ourselves with standards that has no limit in self comparison from others . An active determination to control your thoughts and contribution in developing yourself in positive way will help you improve your self image. A little bit of kindness is worth a lot.

