1 min readMay 17, 2017


This quote speaks directly to me. My goal is to become a writer and a blogger in hopes of turning my blog into a business. I would love to wake up every day thinking of the next best thing to give to all my readers. But, I am a perfectionist who has been waiting for the right moment and has been trying to follow a roadmap someone else has laid out.

I’ve read countless articles on how to become a blogger. The more I research, the more I find conflicting opinions on the same subject. Some say start with 10 posts and get yourself noticed. Others vouch for the guest posting route on Medium or a platform related to your niche.

With so many conflicting opinions, it has been difficult to take a single step with my writing. But, your article convinced me to take a step today. I’ve finally completed my first story and I plan to submit it to a publication by tomorrow.

I know the editorial process takes some time but this article comes at the right time in my journey. It’s time to act!




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