Me and Elisabeth in the woman and baby space

Women and baby space

Ulrika Wising
2 min readAug 24, 2016


One of the services that the drop in the ocean is providing in the camp is a mother and baby space where mothers can come and bathe their babies, have a cup of tea and socialise with other mothers or with us, the volunteers. It’s one of the only air conditioned spaces in the camp that is just for women and that is open every day.

When they come, we help them by preparing the water for their babies bath and assisting them where needed. Often this may be bathing the babies of newborns where the mothers are unable to bend over post C-section or helping the older sisters (10–12 year olds) who may bring a couple of younger siblings for bathing. We also have a circular system of providing clean clothes for the babies; they leave their dirty baby clothes, they get a clean set from us and then every day we wash the dirty clothes to be ready for new babies to come the next day.

While in the box, they can also get a bottle of milk to feed the babies and older siblings can play with some toys that are available. Often the women come back to just sit and relax and socialise and not to bathe their babies.

If you are about to give birth, the women can come to the space and get a “birth package” that contains some clothing for the new-born, a bottle, some nappies, a blanket but also a nursing bra and top for the soon-to-be mothers. Once they’ve given birth, they often come back to have their babies bathed, so it is not rare to have really tiny babies in the space.

If you want to support the mother and baby space please visit the drop in the ocean web page and contribute. All support is welcome and needed so that the drop in the ocean can continue this wonderful work!

(Thanks to Tania for her contribution and Irene for the photo)



Ulrika Wising

Passionate about people, lives, stories, hearts, humanity.