Reliable Companies That Accept Bitcoins As A Payment Option!

Monica P
3 min readMay 5, 2018


Everyone remembers 2017 as the year when the value of cryptocurrencies skyrocketed especially Bitcoin. It was the year when its value went from around $1.000 — $20.000, making the skeptics rethinks their stance on cryptos.

Currently, its 2018 where the Internet is expanding unexpectedly- Artificial Intelligence, super responsive designs, and virtual reality and major websites are adapting these technologies.

However, one major phenomenon that jolted the whole space was cryptocurrencies. Are you aware of the companies that accept crypto payments, either in the forms of payment or as the way to exchange goods?

The fact is some of the websites have been doing this for quite a while.

Both a non-profit / profit business still accepts Bitcoin as a legitimate legal tender.

Even though digital market has faced a lot of backlash in recent times, today almost everyone is on the Bitcoin bandwagon. Of course, there are some countries that are still resisting, though the vast majority has embraced it.

Let’s go through the glimpse of the past year business accepting bitcoins!

Bitcoin Accepting Businesses 2017

Till date companies like Shopify, Ultimez, Subway, and Tesla have entirely accepted Bitcoin payments. However, even if any company doesn’t accept Bitcoin, there are exceptional creative ways to purchase best products with it.

For example, Gyft helps you purchase Nike shoes with Bitcoin, while Expedia has adopted this digital asset altogether.

This may be due to its past showoff:

In early March, Bitcoin dipped below $10,000.

In February, it dipped below $9000.

And 6 months back it was floating in the $6,000–7,000.

As Bitcoin faces global setbacks; its value reflects accordingly.

Several companies considering Steam to Microsoft have halted accepting the currency. However, some have gone through it all- the crashes, rises & falls.

Competition is on!

It takes much effort to search find places to spend Bitcoin as the list is growing.

Starting from web service providers to gift card retailers to online outlets, majority of companies are accepting cryptos to make it easier for people to spend their cryptocurrency.

Here is a list of reliable places that currently accepts Bitcoin as payment option.


Bitcoin can be deposited into your Microsoft account. However, it can only be used to buy games, movies, apps in the Xbox and Windows stores; you can’t buy things from the Microsoft online store.


Web service based company, providing e-commerce development and many other services. Recently, the company announced to accept few of the top cryptocurrencies as payment for their clients as — Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Bitcoin Cash, Verge, NEO, Dash, and Ripple.

They seem to capture the majority of web market in UAE as well as India. Growing and exploring in diverse domains has started contributing to the world of cryptos.


Second digital gift card platform that accepts Bitcoin

Gift cards are always a useful option for the one who holds cryptocurrency; cards can be used when needed to buy goods at 200 + retailers.


Expedia- the online travel site has also started accepting Bitcoin for hotel bookings. If people use the service, the company claimed that it will eventually expand it to other areas like car rental, air travel, and vacation services.

The Bottom Line

Until Bitcoin seems to be viable currency, rather than just an asset, it’ll be very tough for the companies to incorporate anything more than a vocal minority.

Nevertheless, in a space where interest in Bitcoin is enhancing, it’s hard to predict what will come next.

A minor number of Bitcoin sales can serve as a huge show of support for cryptocurrency on its principle.

Hope you’ve enjoyed reading the article content. Let me know if anything I have missed related to topic and if you want to give thumbs up!



Monica P

B2B Content Marketer, Consultant and Blogger in the field of Exchanges, Blockchain, and Cryptocurrency.