Ultrain News | From Conventional Investment to Blockchain by Emma Liao

6 min readJun 17, 2018


9th June, invited by 3AM Summit 499 Women Power Forum in Singapore, which was intended to startup female power in the world of Blockchain, Emma Liao, Co-founder of Ultrain, delivered an English speech on the topic of From Conventional Investment to Blockchain.

Emma Liao, Co-founder of Ultrain


Emma pointed out that Blockchain is a beautiful art of cross-sector combination with Economy, Finance, IoT, AI, Computer Science, Gamification, Cryptography, Marketing, Community, Industrial Appliances, etc.

Born in a strict military family, Emma knows perfectly how to balance her heart of Art and the sense of science, which is the key point that made her destined to join a blockchain startup. By sharing five pieces of her own stories, Emma comes to a conclusion that she is born for Blockchain.

Bachelor in Rochester Institute of Technology and MBA&PHD in Columbia University where she studied Finance, Enterprise Management as well as Computer science, Psychology, and the theory of gamification.

Then, Emma became a banker, the International Director of New York Private Bank & Trust. With her family background, Emma also familiar with secondary market, which is quite similar to crypto market today.

Emma in USA

Later on, our run-away Doctor was invited by Stephen Goetz, Co-founder of Goetzpartners, and became its CEO in China. Europe is a place where Emma loves and accomplished her talents. While she was in Europe, Emma was engaged in cross-border mergers and acquisitions including manufacture industry, auto industry, retails, entertainment, media and finance services etc. Thus, Emma committed that she is a no stranger of cross-sector. Not only she will cross all sectors, but also would like to become a bridge that linked all sectors between East and West.

In the year of 2015, invited by CEO of 360 ( a Chinese Internet security and technology company) , Emma came back to China and appointed as the Head of 360 IoT Investment Department which focused on AI, facial recognition, Mobility net work, robot, wearable smart wares and video cameras etc. And then she joined Goden Brick Capital and invested IoT and Internet projects including NIO, JmGO, renrenche etc.

Not long after that, she was appointed to be the CEO of Kunlun Red Star, first professional Hockey club in China, also she was the one and the only female President in any global professional clubs that helped Emma become an expert on Marketing, Operation Management, Government Operation and the like, which significantly enhanced her strength in running a Blockchain startup.

All the aboves guided Emma to her destiny when Ray Guo and Wlillian Li, the Co-founders of Ultrain, invited her to join the team. Luckily, it is a perfect team to start up a blockchain technology company. Ray Guo is the CEO and ex Alibaba Director of data security, previously 10 years at IBM. William Li, CTO , 10+years in OS and was the head of technology at AliPay Blockchain team, solid OS and blockchain experience. Also Ultrain has Yufeng Shen as its chief Architect, 5+years Google Waterloo key OS Architect as well as the killer team member, chief cryptography scientist, Husen Wang, former the one and only crypto scientist at Alipay blockchain team.

While pointed out the bottlenecks in Blockchain industry, like low performance output, not efficient usage of resource and limited oversight, there are still opportunities to all public chain developers. With breakthrough innovations in cryptography, Ultrain has established a new consensus mechanism which we defined as a random trusted consensus framework. This new consensus mechanism can, under the same level of security performance as the POW, achieve a 1,000-times increase in performance in a fully decentralized network with only 1% of the computing power requirements of the traditional POW network.

The vision of Ultrain is to creating a programmable business society.

One of the objectives of Ultrain is to free up more computing power while ensuring the blockchain security and utilize the freed computing power for computation with actual social benefit to further create value for the real economy. Through innovations in Ultrain cryptography, only 1% of the computing power of the entire network is required to implement mintage when the consensus is reached each round, and the remaining 99% of the computing power can be provided as trusted computing. This computing model includes CPU computing, GPU computing, memory computing, hard disk resources, bandwidth resources, etc., which can all be managed and scheduled using Ultrain to provide services externally.

Besides its core technology to breakthrough the bottleneck of Blockchain industry, Ultrain also will works on its vigorous ecosystem. In 2018, Ultrain will implement 15 localized communities (hubs) in San Francisco (Silicon Valley), New York, Boston, Tel Aviv, Munich, Berlin, Paris, London, Seoul, Tokyo, Singapore, Beijing, Shanghai, Hangzhou and Shenzhen and select advisors and leaders with community influence in the local areas for these communities.

With the localization and continuous operation of various localized communities, Ultrain can achieve strategic cooperation with the top IT companies and Internet companies in the United States, Israel, Germany, France, the United Kingdom, South Korea and China, implement highly influential proprietary communities in various regions, and enhance its influence in the blockchain and Internet industry around the globe.

Last but not the least, Emma shared her experience from gamification that people normally are incentivized by spirit more than economy. She also encouraged all of powerful women to aligned with all of talented gentlemen to embrace the frontier of technology and innovation to make something meaningful, to build something valuable and at last to make a better world.

Ultrain Team

The founding members of Ultrain own the world-class top-notch background of IT, cryptology, computer security, blockchain and finance, possess notable and international resources, hold abundant community operation experience.

Founding members

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