7 min readJun 21, 2019

DAY6’s Lyrics That Everyone Is Able To Relate

Day6 already brings so many emotions with all their songs just by how they portray it with their facial expressions, aesthetics of their music videos and their comeback teasers as well. But when you read off the lyrics of their songs you can truly feel it and be able to resonate since you may have felt or maybe feeling that way. With their incredible discography you’ll find out that Day6 has no bad songs at all, from their melancholy songs to their hype up let’s jump it out music, Day6 has probably covered all the genre they could.

[Note: I wanted to write this because it is a reminder that DAY6 songs and their lyrics aren’t just about sappy love songs about break ups. If you read closely at DAY6 lyrics it holds meaning to a person living their casual ordinary life because of how much they are able to resonate with it. I strongly think that their songs are different types of emotions, with the highs and lows of what every human being goes through at some point in their life. I have always felt I could easily relate to DAY6 with how they convey singing their songs, despite of me not being a fluent in Korean. It’s the way I feel comfort with the songs they produce that holds a special meaning to me because sometimes they hit close to home. If you are reading this: thank you for taking the time to do so and I hope you find comfort with their lyrics as well.]

1.Better Better

“Every day
I lived like I was dead
But you

Became the reason
For me to get up
Once more
You made me wanna open my eyes”

There have been times in our lives where we might have felt numb for so long, waking up with no motivation with the same routine and pattern each and every day. But once we find a source of inspiration, days become brighter and definitely much better. Day6 doesn’t reference “you” as a person, it could be a hobby or anything else in the world that could help you to live life to the fullest. Whatever that inspiration that comes to us, is the reason where we look forward to the next day to come.

2. Letting Go

“I know, I know we can no longer
Wish for a happy ending
Like the land hardens after the rain
Pain is only temporary, someday you will meet
someone who can make you happier
That’s the kind of love you deserve
I got to say good bye right now”

Often times we get discouraged when a situation occurs in our lives, thinking it might be the end of the world. Day6 tells a story about a loved lost, but it doesn’t mean that the pain caused will be there forever, it can be healed with a new kind of love overtime. They show maturity with their lyrics by letting the person they love go, because it’s for the better since they aren’t able to do anything to make them happy anymore. You may have had this situation with a lover, friendship, family member or even with yourself. To me personally, Letting Go is letting myself forgive and move on from the toxic past and heading to the future with a positive mindset. This song is definitely my Day6 anthem, for it gave me a eureka moment, “I need to move forward now and let the past go for good.”

3. Dance Dance

“Have fun like it’s the last day, carpe diem”

“I hope you feel good on your way home
I hope you won’t forget this feeling right now”

This particular song of DAY6 simply tells you to hold onto that amazing feeling you currently have and seize every moment of it as much as you can. Carpe Diem means “seize the day”. It’s an overall fun and great song to let yourself loose and just have fun because we all need to take a little break sometimes in our current daily routine whatever that may be.

4. Freely (Free하게)

“So be free
Don’t worry about tomorrow
Don’t have a single care
So be free
Just think that it’s just us
Now now everybody dance”

Another hype up song from DAY6 to let yourself break free from all the troubles you are currently feeling. To remind yourself to live today and face the situation tomorrow, but tonight give in to the good time you truly deserve and need.

5. Sing Me

“Don’t forget me
Cherish me, so that you could feel me
Sing me, remember me
So that I could last forever (sing me)”

Was there a time in your life where you wished your existence mattered to someone important and special to you? That you don’t want them to forget you or the memories you shared together? That hopefully somewhere down the line they’ll look back and remember the amazing times. Or maybe we just want a little bit of ourself to remembered and leave a mark in someone’s life in a positive and happy way. It doesn’t need to be the whole world to be looking back at you, it’s the people you cherish the most, that you don’t want them to lose a memory of you.

6. Wish

“No matter what I wear
I can’t like my reflection in the mirror
I’m not satisfied, yeah”

“I wish I was happier
Every day my wish is the same”

Did you have moments where you were never content of what you saw of yourself even after how many times you’ve tried to look your best it just wasn’t enough? We might have thoughts of wishing the next day would get better and that there was a way for your mood to uplift itself.

“Not even once can I
Frankly express my emotions within me
I end up cursing alone”

7. When You Love Someone

“It was a really hard day today
My heart aches for you
The only thing I can do for you
Is to be next to you, I’m sorry”

“I want to cry for you
I want to hurt instead of you
I don’t want any scars in your heart
Ever again”

“I hope I can be a little helpful at least
I hope I can be your resting place
I’ll try to make you feel at peace
Whenever you think of me during your busy days”

This song isn’t just for lovers who are in a relationship. These lyrics could be towards your family and friends as well. This is one of those songs where you just want to envelope the people you love and cherish with a big embrace. Where you wish you could do more for them, but the best that you can do for now is just to be there even if they’re hurting, but you would do absolutely everything that you can just to see them smile because you love them so much.

8. All Alone

“I’m okay today
I say to myself over and over again”

“After the day ends and I come back home
I wish there was someone
Who would tell me good job
And hold me”

“I wish there was someone
Who would tell me, have a good day”

These lyrics hits close to home because I think we all need encouragement and reassurance that somehow everything will be alright and it will work out somehow. Sometimes we need to hear those exact words “you’re doing well”. Those three simple words are enough to get you through the day, knowing that there is someone looking out for you too.

9. I Need Somebody

“Hello there, is anyone there?
Where is
Is there anyone to answer me?
Is anyone there?”

“Why am I alone?
Among all the people surrounding me
Why am I alone?
I’m all alone, I need someone
I need someone right now”

“Hello, is anyone there?
Anyone who can accept me?
Is anyone here?”

When you’re surrounded with so many people in a room or even surrounded by people who are closest to you, yet you have the lingering feeling inside that you’re alone and on a verge of a breakdown but they don’t seem to see or take notice of that happening to you. Sometimes you just need someone to pay attention and look closely to see right through you, to see if anything is wrong and check up on your well-being. Wishing there could be somebody you could rely on and let all the feelings out.

10. Still

The dark clouds will pass
I hope that
There’ll be a day when
We’ll brightly smile again”

The day will clear again
The darkness that follows us
Will disappear
I have hope”

If you listen to the song while reading the lyrics you can definitely imagine yourself looking up the sky and seeing the sunshine looking down upon you, as if on cue it’s a sign that brighter days are just ahead of you. That the hopelessness will soon be replaced with a life filled with new hope and beginnings.

11. Marathon

“Don’t you run run run
It’s already been very hard
Walking now is okay.”

“Resting for a bit is also good
Taking it easy is also good
You don’t have to overwork yourself”

Superband DAY6 continously reminding my day’s and everyone to not overdo your limit and go at a pace suited for you. Ironic how the song title is called ‘Marathon’ and the first to get there is the winner, but it’s quite the opposite of wht DAY6 is saying. They want you to get to the destination without you stressing yourself out, don’t be bothered and feel like you’re behind just because everyone else got ahead of you. Set yourself in a timeline where you know you’ll arrive and succeed to your goal without you hurting yourself in the end. It’s okay to slow down, remember that.

12. Hurt Road

“That not many flowers bloom on this road”