Small parts in user interface

Small parts can capture the liking of the user and make the use of the product a little more convenient.

Sergey Ulyanychev
2 min readSep 5, 2017
An example of a tape in facebook.

For example, opening this morning to Faсebook, I saw that it was raining now and a polite welcome. It’s cute and informative, so I did not open weather apps at all. Facebook keeps a person’s attention, he knows that most likely your day you will start with opening a news feed of your friends and messages and see a nice welcome and learn about the weather. This over time develops a habit and you do not need to climb into the application with the weather, unless you need the detailed weather for the day.

Such small visual decisions affect the human emotions, producing the so-called harmony of happiness. You can also achieve this effect and work with sound, but in integrity it affects the perception of the product. For example, in Spotify in the category Dance Party or any dance category when switching tracks, the effect of the mixer and a smooth transition is superimposed. It involves a person, evokes pleasant sensations and develops a habit of using such a section in this way, and not otherwise.

For example, Spotify takes care of the visual component of the UI for specialized sections, type in the Star Wars search and turn on the track, you will see the Jedi’s lightsaber. Thus, there is a slight involvement of the person interacting with the interface, again all this to improve the perception of the product. Such trifles are very important, but it’s more important when they work like Facebook, Google, Apple, allowing you to prompt important information and improve your experience.

A small visual effect that gives again positive emotions and a person likes to use such a service.

