Top 10 life lessons from being a Creative Director.

Uma Rudd Chia
1 min readJan 14, 2019

1. Shiny isn’t always effective. Bland can be beautiful too when it works.

2. Small isn’t always just a stepping stone. It can be an awesome, agile destination.

3. The loudest person isn’t the `rightest’ person.

4. Strategy isn’t carved in stone. It needs to pivot and evolve once the campaign is launched based on live learnings. If it doesn’t, it’s just guess work.

5. If it ain’t broke, don’t break it so you can pretend to fix it and take credit.

6. Go on a limb. Admit it when you fail. Try something different.

7. It’s not about the work. It’s about the people (no matter what they tell you). Cos if the people don’t share the same objectives and work together, there won’t be great work.

8. New isn’t always necessary. But never stop trying to make old better.

9. Don’t think outside the box. Cos really, there is NO box. You’ve made it up in your head!

10. Even when you disagree or argue your point, do it kindly.



Uma Rudd Chia

Co-founder KVUR, founder — The Female Idea, Executive Creative Director, Author, Futurist, Keynote Speaker on Creativity, Hope, AI