Philosophy And Significance Of Wildlife Conservation

4 min readJul 31, 2021


What is Wildlife ?

Wildlife actually refers to the animals which are not domesticated and the plants which are not cultivated. It means animals other than life stock and plants that are not horticulturally cultivated for ornamental purposes.

Wildlife conservation:

Conservation is preventing of wasteful use of resources and Wildlife conservation is the prevention and protection of animals, plants and other habitats. By conserving wildlife we’re ensuring that future generations can enjoy our natural world and the incredible species that live within it.

The Philosophy of wildlife conservation:

It tells about…..

How people should organize wildlife? and How humans should act with wildlife?

To understand the philosophy of conservation of wildlife we discuss about….

a) UTILITARIANISM (an ethical theory):

It stated that interests of non-human animals should be respected as equal to those of humans. There are three principles of utilitarianism….

1-Pleasure or happiness is the only one thing that really has intrinsic value. 2-Actions are right insofar as they promote happiness and wrong insofar as they produce unhappiness. 3-Everyone’s happiness counts equally.


1-Humans have no role in nature. 2- Wildlife should be left alone. 3-Set up Sanctuaries, Preserves and National parks. 4-No hunting, fishing, hiking or any form of alteration in nature.


Wildlife is a source that can be sustainably managed. So, must follow that “Take some today, but leave some for tomorrow”.

Significance Of Wildlife Conservation:

Wildlife conservation is very important because wildlife play an important role in maintaining the ecological balance and conserve wild animal populations and protection of public lands. It helps to maintain balance of nature. It can increase foreign exchange if linked with eco-tourism. To prevent the genetic diversity of fauna in order to increase the populations of heterogeneous wildlife species.

The importance of wildlife can be categorized as:


Wildlife helps in maintaining the ecological balance of nature. Animals are great predators of each other which is the major reason for ecological development. Therefore, once the equilibrium and stability is disturbed it leads to many problems.


The wildlife can be used to earn money. Wild plant products like food, medicine, timber, fiber etc. and wild animal products such as meat, medicine, hide, ivory, lac, silk etc. are of tremendous economic value. Wild life provides us the raw and basic material to start any industry or factory for our earning.


Some wild organisms are used for scientific experiments such as to test effect of medicine. Generally monkey, chimpanzee etc. are used for scientific experiments. Also rats are first used to do experiments and test before trying them on humans. No doubt wildlife supports scientific research a lot.

Rat vs human internal body structures


By conserving wildlife, diversity in the environment can be conserved. According to some scientist, an ecosystem with more diversity is more stable. It means that complexity of an ecosystem directly influence on its stability.


Wild organisms are possess key importance for modern agriculture. Importance of wildlife in agriculture is as follow…..1-Production of hybrid variety of animals used for agriculture, by using wild animals. 2-New species of plants and animals produced by them. 3-Wildlife plays an important role in agricultural development because animals like cows, buffaloes etc. help in ploughing or trilling of soil.

Also many microorganisms and small animals like earthworms also help in increasing the fertility of soil and providing a good base for agricultural activities.


The main concern is to preserve the habitats so that the future generations of wildlife and humans can enjoy this beauty.




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