Things you should learn before buying Multi-Car Insurance

Umair Ahmad
7 min readNov 1, 2019


Just like any other business, Insurance companies differ from one another, also their rates. But, this, is not the best idea to go for the companies or insurance that our family or friends use. Along with the rates, there are also many things like coverage, claim services, etc. that might suit the people around but not your requirements. The better way to find yourself a suitable policy is to always give around and check through different companies to get detailed comparison before buying any policy.

multi car insurance

It’s always important to check through your details, for example, your coverage, license, prices of your car and many more things before buying yourself car insurance. Provide all the concerned details to your insurer so that you may find insurance that meets your requirements.

Along with providing your details, it’s always important for you to question and get details from the companies you’re about to get insurance too. This way, there’s less risk to face issues in future regards to your claims, renewal charges, yearly premiums, etc. Once, you have had a clear discussion with the insurer you are in a perfect state to buy Car insurance.

If you’re a person who owns dual cars, or

  • live in with your parents where you live
  • your sibling and parents have their own each car
  • A couple of two who own their car
  • Live with your friends in a shared flat or home

You might need to buy insurance that would help you and the people around you to buy single insurance that covers almost every car at your house. This kind of insurance is known as multi-car insurance. The policy helps you to make your insurance premiums cheaper as they’re divided on every car’s owner individually plus there are many other benefits by insurance companies that you receive while you register your car in a multi-car insurance policy. Such as discounts, or deciding your excess levels, etc.

But there are always some of the points that we must keep in mind while we get any multi-car insurance quotes and buy it. Inquiring and getting fine details about the policy and claim services and also keeping in check with your records and details is the best option to look for cheap multi-car insurance. There are a few points mentioned below that you should follow and keep in mind before you obtain the insurance.

Plan Your Insurance:

A thought and well-planned car insurance always help and protects your financial uncertainty. Before you buy your multi-car insurance policy, invest your time reading and researching about the cars make and their model. This way it’s possibly easy to get yourself cheap multi-car insurance quotes around the market because policies rate always differs from car to car.

Moreover, planning your insurance includes many things such as you might find things in policies that you don’t need, so you can always list down the terms that you’re finding to be included in your insurance policy, cutting off unusual things from your policy would help to make it a better and cheap premium for you. Also, avoiding the fact of luxury, you may set your budget according to your monthly and yearly expenses that you can easily spend on for your insurance.

Review the reputation of the insurer:

The image of the car insurance provider always matters, and in multi-car insurance, you need to trust with not only one but multiple car insurance. Checking up on the insurer’s repute gives you an idea of the companies’ previous track records and their claim settlements. This would help you know about their market rank and let you decide if the company deserves to trust on your insurance with.

You can survey and get reviews for the company from family or friends or maybe from any forum where their insurances are reviewed for example social media. The positive reviews may help you open doors to the insurance that you have been looking for or save you from a company that might have been an issue or scam in the future.

Payment Method

There is always a different way of how insurance can be convenient for people when it comes to the ways you can pay for your car insurance. For some of the people, it’s easier to pay monthly premiums to save the hassle for paying a huge amount yearly, and on the other hand, people like to pay the lump sum amount yearly to avoid the monthly hassle.

This is the reason why you should check if the option- that’s more convenient to you is available or not in your multi-car insurance policy.

Accident Coverage

While driving on the road you might happen to face an accident that leads you to urgent financial car coverage. There are always two types of companies:

  • Insurance companies that provide with accidental coverage included in their insurance policies already.
  • That does not provide you with accidental coverage and you might need to buy this service as an add on in your dual-car insurance quotes. That makes your insurance a bit costly.

So, whenever you’re about to purchase, make sure you compare multi-car insurance and check for the terms of accident coverage procedure.

Check for Claim Procedure

Car insurances are always meant to be for urgent financial coverage for your car, it’s been damaged. For this, you need to look upon the company’s claim procedures, whenever you are surveying around for cheap multi-car insurance quotes make sure you check upon their claim procedures too. The more efficient the procedure is the more ease you will be.

No Claim Bonus

No Claim Bonus also is known as NCB is an additional bonus given you by the company, when you do not make any claims in the whole year, as a reward. Also, in multi-car insurance policies, no claim bonus is settled for owners individually, for example, if one of the owners from the policy hasn’t made claims the whole year, the company would grant the bonus to the specific owner.

So, you need to check on the No Claim Bonus conditions to confirm that the company provides you with the bonus and you can accumulate you no claim bonus of up to 50%.

Choose and buy what you need in your policy

Before buying or renewing a multi-car insurance, It is always preferable to estimate and write down your essentials. That you do need for your Policy and also point out what you don’t need. Here are a few questions that you may look upon before you plan what you need to help you out on listing the requirements.

  • On average, how much do I drive?
  • Is there any new accessory that I added to my vehicle?
  • Are there any co-passengers that I drive or travel with?
  • Are there any expensive belongings that I carry along while I drive?
  • Is my neighborhood of a nature that might cause disasters?

Asking yourself these questions and looking into such things related to your insurance would help you find cheap multi-car insurance quotes.

Check for Garage Networks

The purpose of why car insurance is important is to protect yourself from spending an extra amount of cash, from your monthly budget, on car repair, if your car has been damaged. As being under and being part of the multi-car insurance multiple owners are supposed to travel around the city/country. It’s always necessary to look for the network for garages of the company.

So, if in any case, any owner of the insurance needs to get your car repaired for less cash or free you can easily go to the nearest workshop that is linked with the insurance company, and get it repaired.

Compare and Quote

Before you buy any multi-car, insurance make sure your survey and check for different companies’ insurance quotes to buy yourself cheap multi-car insurance. There are few Top UK best insurance quotes comparing sites, where you can find different quotes in no time! And buy yourself the most suitable insurance. One of the sites that you may visit is The site helps you find multi-car insurance quotes in very less time and makes it easy for you to buy.

The most common and obvious advantage of buying a multi-car insurance online is that you find various options from different companies at just one spot, that saves you time. Also, helps you save money by providing you with a comparison of quotes from different companies. After the quotes, you can also get detailed research on the companies and their multi-car insurance and get answers to your queries.



Umair Ahmad

My name is Umair, a young blogger and economics and marketing graduate. I am a blogger myself and also work in the Online Marketing Field.