Regress is Winning Because Progress(ivism) is Broken

We Live in a Time Where There Are No More Big, Dangerous, Beautiful Dreams of What Can Be — and That Might Be the Biggest Problem of All.

umair haque
Eudaimonia and Co


It’s the 50th anniversary of the moon landings. And it made me reflect. On how progressivism’s broken.

Let me explain what I mean by that. It’s obvious today that the fascists and authoritarians and extremists are winning. In country after country, they’ve made stunning gains. They run many countries now — the richest and most powerful ones. America and Britain, for example.

The world today is making regress at light speed. Violently, furiously, vengefully. It is not making much progress anymore. Progress is failing, faltering, and sputtering out in country after country. Imagine a world of lights going dark one by one. The forces of regress have won the day, my friends.

Why is that?

Imagine that you told people on the day of the moon landing that the world fifty years hence would look like…this. America collapsing into flavors of authoritarianism, theocracy, fascism. Britain following its lead. Europe, resisting, but stumbling. Imagine you’d told them we’d never go back to the moon…fifty years later, we were seriously worried…

