Kindness: A Language, Blind can See and Deaf can Hear

Umair Islam
4 min readApr 7, 2017


Kindness Quotes

Kindness is a beautiful language which blind can see and deaf can here. Kindness is humanity and is the most beautiful act that someone can do to others. It’s the sweetest gift for anyone. It is religion free, cast free, color free,language free, species free and gender free.

“You have to care for all beings created by God, my mission is to help any person in need” Abdul Sattar Edhi

“No religion is higher than humanity” Abdul Sattar Edhi

Kindness gives a sweet feeling to the giver and receiver. Everyone welcomes it. I too love humanity and never miss a chance to show kindness to anyone. This passion makes me feel proud of my acts and provide my soul a soothing feeling.

Recently I had a project activity in Amal online courses to do 5 random acts of kindness to anyone anywhere. I took this project activity very heartily and did it with passion. I did some random acts as I;

brought lunch for my friends from the mess even when they weren’t asking me to but I did this out of my love for them and thought it was a kind act too. They thanked me for this act and it meant a lot to me. It gave happiness to me and my friends

cleaned the bed and table for my roommate which was coming from home so he could find it tidy and comfortable, now waiting for him to show up and enjoy the good rest instead of doing it while he is frustrated of travel.

did lab work of my fellows in their absence, so their absence won’t make impact on their progress and work. When I told them I have done your lab work so they need not to be worry, they said to me that it was a kind act and they really appreciated me and gave me warm smile which is enough for me to be joyful.

voluntarily assisted my friend Zeeshan in his lab work of spreading the soil for drying and in preparing litmus papers for the extraction of soil sample he was saying “look Umair you should sit by me and talk to me while I do this work” but I keep helping him and he was happy and comfortable and we did the work in short time and shared a coke after the work.

filled up water bottles of my roommates from water tank, out of my own wish, so they could stay hydrated and they appreciate this act and I trully think that it’s a beautiful kindness act.

helped a person in the gym in his fitness game when he was struggling with lifting up the weight so he could not face any difficulty. He genuinely thanked me and said he really needed someone for his backup in this game and I smiled and said “Don’t worry brother, I’m here for you”.

These acts provide warmth to my heart and peace to my soul and proud to myself. The feelings which came to me after doing these acts made me feel happy and make me to do more of these. This feeling cannot be compared with any other feeling in the world.

These kind acts can be related to a professional job as these can become the part of teamwork and good relation with the colleagues. We can help our colleague voluntarily by any means such as bringing him/her the lunch, water, helping him/her in the work and giving positive and constructive feedback, and doing his/her work in some urgency purely out of any mean concern. These acts help in developing good understanding, communication and two way relation as you help your colleague he/she will definitely do the same for you and this can make your team most influential and successive and can make you “Most Valuable Team Player (MVTP)”.

So kindness is the key to be successive in your job with your colleagues, in your life to be meaningful, for your happiness of soul. We should think it to be as those seeds which we plant now and they will give us something in return, if not in this life, then it will give in the life after this one for sure.

“Kindness makes you most beautiful person in the world, no matter what you look like”

“Our days are happier when we give people a little bit of our heart rather than a piece of our mind”

