Top 5 “Smells” That Dogs Tend To Like Why Are They Interested In Unpleasant Odors?

Umair Writes
3 min readMar 2, 2024


Photo by Alvan Nee on Unsplash

Has your dog ever been interested in a smell that makes you wonder, “Why is it smelling that thing?” Why are dogs interested in unpleasant odors? In this article, we will introduce “smelly foods” that dogs tend to like.

Among The Odors That Are Unpleasant To Humans, There Are Also Odors That Dogs Love!?

Dogs have a much better sense of smell than humans, and it is said that their sense of smell is about 100 million times stronger than that of humans, depending on the scent they are sniffing out.

It is no exaggeration to say that dogs have an excellent sense of smell, being able to read a variety of information from the source of odors and distinguish the slightest differences, so all odors are a treasure trove of information.

These dogs may be interested in unpleasant odors that make us wonder why. Why are they also interested in unpleasant odors?

Top 5 Stinky Things That Dogs Tend To Like

What are some “smelly foods” that dogs tend to like? Here we will introduce the top 5 smelly things that dogs love.

1. Used Socks

Many owners have probably encountered a situation where their dog has put a used sock in its mouth and added it to its favorite collection while at home.

Used socks are covered in sweat and sebum from the people who wore them. It is believed that dogs can obtain information about a person from their odor, and by using their sense of smell to distinguish the scent, dogs can satisfy their instinctive needs as animals.

2. Clothing That Contains The Owner’s Sweat

Many dogs prefer clothing that was originally worn by their owners. However, from our perspective as humans, we feel that they must be sweating and dirty.

From the perspective of “dogs prefer it,” the key point is that it contains the owner’s sweat. For dogs, the owner’s sweat contains the owner’s unique odor.

For dogs, the owner’s odor is the most reassuring odor, so sweat-filled clothing that contains a large amount of that odor can be said to be the dog’s greatest treasure.

3. Trash Cans And Garbage Dumps

Many dogs will walk into trash cans and garbage disposal areas and smell them. Many people may frown and think, “I can’t believe I smelled such a dirty place with so many things in it…”

However, trash cans and trash cans are treasure troves for dogs. Because it contains a variety of things, you can enjoy it in a variety of ways, such as containing the smell of your favorite food or having fun sniffing out different odors.

4. Toilet And Excrement

Many dogs sniff the litter box, their own excrement, or areas where other dogs or cats may have defecated. You may think of something dirty, but dogs can get all kinds of information from the smell of toilets and excrement.

For example, the smell of urine on the roadside can tell us a lot of information, such as what kind of dog passed by, what kind of health condition the dog is in, and what gender it is.

Dogs like to smell filth because smelling excrement satisfies their interest and curiosity.

5. Dead Earthworm

Surprisingly, “carcasses of earthworms” rank high among the smelly things that dogs tend to like. Many owners have had the experience of finding their dog persistently sniffing a smell on the roadside only to find out it was a dead earthworm.

In fact, it is thought that dogs like the smell of earthworms because they contain high-quality protein. In other words, dogs perceive the odor to be similar to that of delicious meat.


Photo by Obi - @pixel8propix on Unsplash

How was it? If you look at the smells that dogs tend to like, you will find that they are all the smells that you have actually spent time with and wondered why. If you know the reason, it often has something to do with your dog’s instincts and habits, so be sure to find out why your dog is interested in smells.



Umair Writes

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