Unveiling the Mystery: Does Aloe Vera Gel Expire? Find Out Here! — All About Aloe Vera

Umar Farooq
5 min readMay 5, 2023

Aloe vera is the best plant that nature provides us that has countless benefits. One of the best benefits is that it takes care of your skin from soothing gnarly sunburns and manages acne and it also keeps your skin moisturized which keeps you away from dehydrating your scalp.

But beyond these benefits, there is a major issue. And that is to keep aloe vera fresh and usable for a long duration. There are many limitations to keep aloe vera fresh and also the solutions of those limitations to extend the life of fresh aloe vera.

Before keeping the aloe vera long live, let’s discuss the limitations to keep aloe vera fresh in different forms.

How long does Aloe Vera Gel Remain Fresh?

It is recommended that you should use fresh extracted aloe vera gel within 10 days of extraction. But if you keep it in the refrigerator, you can store it longer.

There are also available aloe vera gel in the market. If you buy aloe vera gel from the market. So there are instructions labeled in the bottle of the gel to keep aloe vera fresh. These aloe vera gels could be stored for about 2–3 years. But this duration can remain if you keep aloe vera in the place where it will remain cool, dry and away from direct sunlight.

How long does Aloe Vera Leaf Remain Fresh?

You can use aloe vera leaf within 24 hours. Because the total life of using aloe vera leaf is 24 hours at room temperature. And 5–7 days if you refrigerate it.

But no need to worry about it. Because in the next sections I shall also tell you to keep aloe vera fresh more than this duration.

How long does Aloe Vera Juice/Extract Remain Fresh?

Aloe vera juice is created by extracting the inner gel of the plant. This aloe vera juice, water or extract could be used within 2–4 weeks when you open it if stored or refrigerated and 2–5 years when it is unopened and refrigerated.

If you extracted fresh juice of the aloe vera, you shouldn’t keep it out of refrigerate for more than 24 hours.

How long does Aloe Vera Capsules Remain Fresh?

There are also available aloe vera capsules in the market. And you can take these capsules as a supplement. These capsules could be used within 5 years. But make sure to check the expiry date before buying it.

To keep these capsules long live you need to keep them in dry, cool and out of direct light places. So that its ingredients could last till expiry date.

However, if you keep these capsules in a heated or high humidity place for a long period of time, or you store them in a deep freezer. These will start losing their properties with the passage of time.

Now follow these few tips to keep aloe vera fresh than its usual life:

1. Keep Aloe Vera in Cool Place

The best way to keep aloe vera fresh for a long time is to keep it in a cool place like a refrigerator. When you cut off the leaf of aloe vera. This gel in the leaf instantly starts decomposing due to natural enzyme reactions, due to the bacteria living on the plant.

But when you freeze aloe vera gel. The process of decomposing gets slow And your aloe vera gel will remain fresh more than normal life.

2. Use Air Tight Containers to keep Aloe Vera Fresh

One of the biggest reasons for losing the life of fresh aloe vera is oxygen. Oxygen increases the process of decomposing the aloe vera leaf. So you should keep aloe vera into an airtight container. You can use the bottles or jar which has screw-on top. Because these types of containers are more airtight than the Tupperware-like container.

3. Keep Aloe Vera Away from Direct Light: Avoid Transparent Jars

Direct light or UV rays could damage the freshness of the aloe vera gel. So you should store or freeze aloe vera gel in those containers which absorbs the UV rays and direct light. And keeps aloe vera gel safe and fresh.

Before using the jars or bottles you should wash them and clean. And then let them dry and then use.

4. Freeze Aloe Vera into Ice Cubes To make it Fresh

To make aloe vera fresh for a long time. You can make the ice cubes of the aloe vera gel by using an ice tray. And then after creating ice cubes you can put these ice cubes into a plastic bag. And store them into the freezer.

By doing this you can use these cubes for up to a year. And to remember the duration of storing, you can add labels into the plastic bag by the date when you created the cubes.

5. Mix Honey in Aloe Vera Gel to make it Fresh for Long

Another good way to keep aloe vera gel last longer is to mix honey into it. Honey will keep your aloe vera gel fresh for longer than its usual duration.

Blend aloe vera gel into a blender and mix the equal amount of aloe vera and honey. Then store it in any air tight jar or bottle in the refrigerator. This will be fresh for up to 3 years.

6. Use Vitamin C to keep Aloe Vera Gel Fresh

You can use Vitamin C to keep your aloe vera gel fresh for longer. Blend aloe vera gel with Vitamin C. Put this mixture into an airtight container and store it in the refrigerator. You can keep this mixture fresh for up to a month.

Originally published at https://allaboutaloevera.com on May 5, 2023.

