ISO 27001 Series: Determining the Scope of an ISMN

Umar Farouk
4 min readSep 25, 2023


Today’s article is going to be short, sweet but very informative and important. So, get your listening ears on :)

Clause 4.3: Determining the Scope of the Information Security Management System

Clause 4.3 of ISO 27001 puts into focus “Determining the Scope of the Information Security Management System.” The Clause reads “The organization shall determine the boundaries and applicability of the information security management system to establish its scope.

When determining this scope, the organization shall consider:

a) the external and internal issues referred to in 4.1.

b) the requirements referred to in 4.2.

c) interfaces and dependencies between activities performed by the organization, and those that are performed by other organizations’

This means your organization will be required to establish and document the scope of their ISMS. The scope defines the boundaries and limits of the ISMS and identifies the parts of the organization to which it applies. Let’s break down clause 4.3 using a real-world scenario.

Let’s create a scenario, shall we?

Today’s scenario involves a healthcare provider, “HealthCare Plus,” which seeks to implement an ISMS in compliance to ISO 27001:

HealthCare Plus operates multiple hospitals and clinics across the country, providing healthcare services to thousands of patients. They are committed to ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of patient health information, which is increasingly being managed electronically.

Determining the Scope:

  1. Identifying Assets: HealthCare Plus starts by identifying its critical information assets. In this case, electronic health records (EHRs), patient information databases, and medical imaging systems are identified as critical assets.
  2. Defining Boundaries: HealthCare Plus must determine the boundaries of its ISMS. In this scenario, the scope extends to all departments and locations that handle patient data electronically, including hospitals, clinics, and the central data center.
  3. Excluding Non-Relevant Areas: While the scope includes all electronic patient data, HealthCare Plus could decide to exclude non-relevant areas like the administrative offices that do not handle patient data directly.
  4. Clarifying Responsibilities: The scope also clarifies the responsibilities of various departments and personnel in ensuring the security of patient data. For instance, the IT department is responsible for maintaining the security of EHR systems.


By determining and narrowing down the scope of its ISMS, HealthCare Plus will achieve several important objectives:

  • Focused Security Measures: They will concentrate their security efforts and resources on the areas that are within the scope, ensuring that critical patient data is adequately protected.
  • Compliance Clarity: HealthCare Plus can clearly define the boundaries for compliance with healthcare regulations such as the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act (HIPAA) if it applies to them, or whatever relevant regulations and laws apply.
  • Risk Assessment: The scope will allow for a more precise risk assessment. HealthCare Plus can now assess the specific risks associated with electronic patient data and tailor mitigation measures accordingly.
  • Resource Allocation: The organization can allocate resources effectively by concentrating investments in security where it matters most, reducing potential security gaps.
  • Communication: Communicating the scope internally ensures that all employees are aware of their responsibilities regarding information security.

In conclusion

The Clause 4.3 is a critical step if you want to develop and implement an ISMS. It is also a step that must be documented to stay in compliance with ISO 27001. The clause will save you a lot of headaches going forward and will aid in your risk assessment, asset inventory and resource allocation.

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Umar Farouk

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