The 30 Best Movies Of All Time

Umar Farooq
14 min readJul 6, 2022

What are the top 30 films of all time, as determined by IMDb users, and what are the best movies ever?

30. Back To The Future (1985) — 8.5

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Many movies have featured time travel over the years, but few have executed the idea as masterfully as Back to the Future. Marty McFly, played by Michael J. Fox, is a young person from the 1980s who, with the aid of his scientific buddy Doc Brown, travels back in time to the 1950s (Christopher Lloyd).

The film is a chaotic mash-up of science fiction and humor that makes for a wonderful and classic adventure. Although the entire trilogy is well-liked, the first film stands head and shoulders above the rest thanks to the endearing performance of Fox and Lloyd.

29. Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) — 8.5

It would not be simple to follow up the science fiction thriller The Terminator, but James Cameron managed to do it with Terminator 2: Judgment Day. Young John Conner is being pursued by a terminator from the future in the film, but a T-800 (Arnold Schwarzenegger) is sent back to save him.
It was a brilliant idea to make Schwarzenegger the hero instead of the villain since it made for a far more enjoyable ride than the original. It is one of the best sequels ever created, featuring ground-breaking spectacular effects and some incredible action scenes.

28. Star Wars (1977) — 8.6

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Star Wars is still the film that launched what is probably the most well-known film franchise of all time, despite not always being regarded as the greatest in the series. The film introduced viewers to a galaxy far, far away, established its enduring character, and launched the epic journey.

It is simple to understand how Star Wars at the time wowed audiences, even all these years later. It is a captivating and engaging space journey that is endlessly enjoyable.

27. Interstellar (2014) — 8.6

Christopher Nolan enjoys a cult following like few other directors. Although Interstellar did not receive as much praise from critics or garner as much money as some of Nolan’s earlier films, many fans still think it is one of the greatest films ever made.
In the movie, Matthew McConaughey plays a man who reluctantly abandons his family to go on a space expedition in search of a planet that is habitable for humans. Many consider Interstellar to be one of the best sci-fi movies ever made because of its amazing cinematography, intricate plot, and excellent acting.

26. The Green Mile (1999) — 8.6

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The Green Mile was a captivating movie even though it was not one of Stephen King’s most well-known stories. Tom Hanks portrays a prison guard who unexpectedly bonds with an apparently kind new prisoner in this historical drama set in a death row jail in the 1930s (Michael Clarke Duncan).

Associated: Ranker’s list of the top 10 Stephen King book adaptations in motion pictures

The drama tells the unexpected, affecting, and devastating tale of how one guy altered the lives of these prison guards. Additionally, it has a number of standout performances, particularly from Hanks and Duncan.

25. Life Is Beautiful (1997) — 8.6

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It is quite challenging for a movie to incorporate humor and an upbeat tone inside a narrative that simultaneously has sadness and heartbreak. But Life is Beautiful succeeded in doing that in the eyes of many fans, which accounts for the film’s widespread appeal.

The Italian film, written, produced, and starring Roberto Benigni, is about a Jewish father who is optimistic and his son who is a victim of the Holocaust during World War II. The father goes to great pains to persuade his kid that all that is happening is just one huge game.

24. Saving Private Ryan (1998) — 8.6

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Saving Private Ryan has been praised as one of the best films ever to authentically convey the tragedy and chaos of battle. Steven Spielberg has directed a lot of war films during his career. Tom Hanks plays the commander of a group of men on a rescue operation to track down a soldier who is being sent home in the motion picture.

Some of the best movie scenes ever have been praised for their depictions of World War II combat. This film becomes a profoundly memorable experience thanks to Spielberg’s expansive vision and compelling storyline, which transform it from a normal team-on-a-mission adventure.

23. City Of God (2002) — 8.6

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It takes a very unique international film to connect with viewers everywhere, but the City of God was a tale that cut beyond all barriers of language. The narrative of two young children on opposing career paths — one aspiring to be a photographer and the other to be a crime boss — is told in a film set in the Rio slums.

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The film tells a terrifying coming-of-age tale. It is a sleek adventure that embraces the less appealing parts of the narrative while yet maintaining an engaging pace.

22. The Silence Of The Lambs (1991) — 8.6

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Sometimes viewers want to watch a movie with a plot that keeps them on the edge of their seats the entire time. Such an experience is provided by The Silence of the Lambs, which stars Anthony Hopkins and Jodie Foster as FBI agents enlisting the aid of serial killer Hannibal Lecter to find a new murderer.

Lecter is one of the most recognizable movie villains of all time, yet he is not the sole factor in the film’s success. It is a skilled thriller with excellent acting, writing, and directing that grips the viewer and keeps them hooked to the screen.

21. It’s A Wonderful Life (1946) — 8.6

available for streaming on Plex and Prime Video (click for watch)
It’s a Wonderful Life is a movie that many fans continue to appreciate year after year and is arguably the most cherished Christmas favorite of all time. Although it is the ideal Christmas viewing experience, viewers can be moved by the narrative at any time of the year.

Jimmy Stewart provides a strong performance as a guy who, on Christmas Eve, finds himself in a dangerous situation and is given the chance to understand what his life means to those around him. It is a timeless tale that is hilarious, endearing, and heartbreaking.

20. Seven Samurai (1954) — 8.6

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The impact of Akira Kurosawa on Hollywood filmmakers cannot be overstated, and his film Seven Samurai is probably the most influential of them. The film has received several homages for its cinematic approach in addition to being turned into Western films like The Magnificent Seven.

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The action narrative centers on a troop of masterless samurai who are hired by impoverished farmers to assist in guarding their community against robbers. It is undoubtedly among the finest action films of all time and is still exhilarating to watch decades later.

19. Se7en (1995) — 8.6

accessible on HBO Max (click for watch)
With the suspenseful serial killer film Se7en, David Fincher solidified his place in Hollywood. It is a movie with a terrible enough idea to frighten viewers. However, the stunning and intense narrative that was in store for the audience caught them off guard.

As two homicide investigators on the hunt for a killer who kills his victims according to the Seven Deadly Sins, Brad Pitt and Morgan Freeman play the lead roles. It is an eerie and atmospheric criminal procedural with one of the most startling conclusions in the annals of Hollywood.

18. One Flew Over The Cuckoos Nest (1975) — 8.6

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In the film One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, Jack Nicholson had one of his finest performances. He portrays a criminal who poses as mentally sick in order to be committed to a psychiatric facility as opposed to jail. He takes charge of the strange collection of patients there and confronts the cruel head nurse.

The film has a great balance of comedy and drama, and Nicholson gives one of his most seductively diabolical performances. The end result is a captivating and intricate tale.

17. Goodfellas (1990) — 8.7

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Although Martin Scorsese has produced a number of gangster films throughout the course of his career, many consider Goodfellas to be his finest work. It chronicles the actual tale of Henry Hill, portrayed by the late Ray Liotta, who rose to prominence inside a powerful and risky criminal family.

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The genius of Scorsese’s storytelling is in the way he captivates the audience with the allure of this glamorous and thrilling world before startling them with brutality and horror. Additionally, it stars Joe Pesci as Tommy DeVito, one of the scariest movie villains ever.

16. The Matrix (1999) — 8.7

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Many people will undoubtedly see the original film, which is still one of the most innovative films of the 1990s, in light of the hype around The Matrix: Resurrections from last year. The Matrix is a genre-bending classic that will blow your mind, from the creative action to the thought-provoking narrative.

Neo, played by Keanu Reeves, is a boring office worker who discovers a startling truth about the world he lives in and sets out on a mission to save mankind. Even now, more than 20 years later, it still holds up quite well as an action film.

15. Star Wars: Episode V — The Empire Strikes Back (1980) — 8.7

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The fact that no Star Wars movie made it into the top 10 may come as a surprise to some fans. The fact that The Empire Strikes Back is the highest-rated movie in the trilogy is less shocking. This time, the tale from a galaxy far, far away presented a far darker and more nuanced tale.

In the plot, Darth Vader is closing in on the heroes while they are split. This movie exemplified how sequels may advance a plot by showing intriguing character development for both returning characters and some famous new ones.

14. The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers (2002) — 8.7

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It’s clear that people enjoy this series since The Two Towers, the lowest-rated film in Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings trilogy, ranks among the top films of all time on IMDb. The fellowship was split in the second movie as it battled Sauron’s evil forces.

The movie is yet another huge fantasy epic with two noteworthy features: the first is the way the character Gollum is introduced, and the second is the enormous and exciting fight scene in the third act.

13. Inception (2010) — 8.7

available on Netflix and HBO Max (click for watch)
With his mind-bending crime movie, Inception, Christopher Nolan demonstrated why he is one of the most ambitious directors working today. The story revolves around a group of thieves who have the power to enter people’s dreams and take their thoughts. As the team’s captain and the star, Leonardo DiCaprio aims to score one final goal.

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The film’s original concept is supported by Nolan’s breathtaking graphics. There are some incredible action scenes as a result. It is far more than just another heist movie and has one of the most contentious conclusions in cinematic history.

12. Fight Club (1999) — 8.8

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One of the most outstanding directors working today is still David Fincher. Due to his own rigorous technique and distinctive visual style, his creations are sometimes gloomy but always intriguing. His most well-known work, and one of the most thrilling movies of the 1990s, is Fight Club.

Tyler Durden, an enigmatic philosopher who inspires Edward Norton’s mild-mannered protagonist to start an underground combat group, is a legendary character created by Brad Pitt. Dark comedy, graphic violence, and perverted ideologies make it an exciting watch, and the surprising conclusion has viewers wanting to see it repeatedly.

11. Forrest Gump (1994) — 8.7

available on Paramount+ and Netflix (click for watch)
Forrest Gump, the movie’s main character, was possibly Tom Hanks’ most well-known creation. The movie chronicles the numerous mishaps of a straightforward yet compassionate man who unintentionally finds himself in many of the most significant events in American history.

Hanks offers a fantastic performance, giving this character just the right amount of charm and heart to keep him from coming off as a caricature. It is a humorous, heartwarming, and enjoyable movie that is still a wonderful journey after all these years.

10. The Good, The Bad And The Ugly (1966) — 8.8

available on DIRECTV, Spectrum On Demand, and Starz (click for watch)
With innovative filming techniques that viewers had never seen before, the so-called Spaghetti Westerns transformed the genre of Westerns forever. The best example of such a genre is The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly.

In the midst of the Civil War, the movie follows three dangerous men on a mission to find buried wealth. Clint Eastwood was made a celebrity, the Mexican Standoff style, which is still utilized in action films today, and one of the most recognizable film soundtracks ever were all made possible by this movie.

9. The Lord Of The Rings: The Fellowship Of The Rings (2001) — 8.8

accessible on HBO Max (click for watch)
The Fellowship of the Rings marked the beginning of Peter Jackson’s enormously well-liked fantasy trilogy. Fans were taken to Middle Earth where Frodo Baggins and a group of heroes set out to destroy the potent One Ring before Sauron can wield it for evil, bringing to life J.R.R. Tolkien’s works.

This lovely environment and its inhabitants are expertly introduced in the movie. The straightforward yet exciting journey is packed with excitement, fear, and action. It’s simple to understand why fans were captivated by this series right away.

8. Pulp Fiction (1994) — 8.9

available on DIRECTV, Spectrum On Demand, Showtime (click for watch)
One of the most well-known directors of all time is Quentin Tarantino. His distinctive style, vast cinema knowledge, and propensity for fusing hysterical comedy with shocking violence served as an inspiration to a whole generation of filmmakers. Many people consider Pulp Fiction to be his best work, and it’s difficult to disagree with them.

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The movie swings back and forth between a variety of underground storylines in Los Angeles. Tarantino gives well-known criminal stories his own distinctive spin. The movie has great music and is surprising and fast-paced with constantly quote-worthy language. Though frequently imitated, never matched.

7. The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King (2003) — 8.9

accessible via HBO Max (click for watch)
Few people believed that Peter Jackson would be able to successfully adapt J.R.R. Tolkien’s acclaimed Lord of the Rings trilogy for the big screen, but he did. Jackson accomplished a wonderfully gratifying conclusion to one of the all-time great movie trilogies with The Return of the King.

The quest to annihilate the One Ring is dramatically concluded in the movie. Jackson and his team did a great job bringing it all to a climax in an emotional spectacle that includes some very amazing fight sequences, despite the criticism the movie receives for its protracted conclusion.

6. Schindler’s List (1993) — 8.9

available on Spectrum On Demand and Peacock Premium (click for watch)
The finest films of all time have been produced by Steven Spielberg. However, his most challenging film receives the highest rating, which is reasonable given that it is one of his best efforts as a filmmaker.

The tragic novel Schindler’s List tells the true story of Oskar Schindler, who tried to protect Jews living in Germany under Nazi control. Even though Schindler could be an admirable person, the movie excels at horrifyingly capturing the Holocaust. Spielberg produced a movie that will stay in viewers’ memories for years to come. It was shot in eerie black and white.

5. 12 Angry Men (1957) — 8.9

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Even though 12 Angry Men by Sidney Lumet is a smaller-budget film, this does not weaken its effect. The twelve men who make up the jury discuss a murder case they just presided over in the nearly totally indoor setting of the jury chamber. The movie depicts the life-or-death argument that follows with one voice claiming the accused is innocent.

Although the environment may seem uninteresting, it really adds to the film’s sense of urgency. The filming masterfully makes the space appear smaller and smaller as the argument continues. The atmosphere is enhanced by the feeling of constriction. It is astounding evidence that modestly sized movies may be extremely powerful.

4. The Godfather: Part II (1974) — 9.0

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Making a sequel to Francis Ford Coppola’s critically acclaimed criminal drama may have sounded absurd at the time, but The Godfather: Part II showed it was a wise decision.

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The movie chronicles the tale of young Vito Corleone, played by Robert De Niro, who makes the part his own without Marlon Brando reprising his legendary portrayal. Along with those fantastic flashback moments, the sequel tracks Michael’s continued ascent into crime and his complex brother Fredo's connection. A superb continuation that stands alone as a masterpiece.

3. The Dark Knight (2008) — 9.0

accessible on DIRECTV, HBO Max, and Spectrum on Demand (click for watch)
Most moviegoers may not have much respect for the superhero genre, but Christopher Nolan’s second Batman movie showed that they are capable of producing intelligent, grandiose, and exciting films.

In The Dark Knight, Batman describes his frantic efforts to stop the Joker from destroying Gotham as he looks for someone to assume responsibility for defending the city. The darker portrayal of the Caped Crusader gives the movie the impression of a criminal epic. The late Heath Leger’s captivating portrayal as the anarchist Joker, however, is what most remember most about the movie.

2. The Godfather (1972) — 9.2

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Despite being one of the most highly regarded movies ever made, The Godfather: Part II is not the best movie in the trilogy. The original has that honor. Although there is much disagreement among moviegoers as to which picture is superior, it is reasonable to state that both are enormous triumphs in the field of filmmaking.

The Corleone family, an Italian-American mafia family, struggles to keep control after their patriarch is almost slain in this true-crime tale. The movie has it all: violence, humor, intensity, passion, and much more. There is a tonne of lines that are memorable and quotable. It’s understandable why so many of today’s top directors see it as such an inspirational movie.

1. The Shawshank Redemption (1994) — 9.2

accessible via HBO Max (click for watch)
It’s hardly surprising that one of the most popular movies of all time also happens to be the one with the highest ranking. It’s simple to think that a narrative taking place in a maximum-security facility wouldn’t have many happy moments, but The Shawshank Redemption really manages to be a pleasantly upbeat story.

The film, which is based on a Stephen King tale, follows the bond between two convicts as it unfolds over several years at the titular jail. The two men’s friendship is one of the most endearing partnerships ever depicted on screen, and it contributes to the movie’s lovely moments, which build to one of the best endings in movie history.



Umar Farooq

I practice what I post. We have tomorrows for reason.