Quaid e Azam’s Life Story
Mohammed Ali Jinnah, who is commonly known as Quaid-e-Azam in Pakistan, was born on December 25th, 1876 in Karachi, British India (now in Pakistan). He was the founder of Pakistan and its first Governor-General. Jinnah was a lawyer by profession, and he began his political career as a member of the Indian National Congress. However, he later became a member of the Muslim League and was instrumental in the creation of Pakistan.

1 min readJan 10, 2023

Jinnah was born into a mercantile family that had migrated to Karachi from the state of Gujarat in British India. His father, Jinnahbhai Poonja, was a successful businessman, and his mother, Mithibai, was a housewife. Jinnah was the eldest of seven siblings and was educated at the Sindh Madrasah High School in Karachi, as well as the Christian Mission School.

After completing his early education, Jinnah attended the Mission

Visit https://worldhistoryofficial8.blogspot.com/2023/01/quaid-e-azams-life-story.html?m=1 For Further Information

