How to use a tennis ball to fix your posture and relieve back pain.

Ideas for a long-term health and a safe workplace.

Umayr Mahbub
2 min readJun 28, 2014

What are the benefits?

This simple activity will decrease soreness by correcting muscle imbalances. By simply applying pressure to certain points on your body, you are able to release muscle knots and provide pain relief. These muscles return to normal function meaning they are elastic, healthy, and ready to perform. Over a short period of time, these exercises result in improved flexibility and posture.

How do I do it?

If you are sitting in an office chair, the main idea is to place the tennis ball on a trigger point between your body and the chair. Remember, the goal is to promote a release by applying just the right amount of pressure on this point. If you are at home, you can use the same trigger points as you are laying on your back.

What should I feel?

The idea is to feel what many good call a ‘good’ kind of pain. Breath as you normally would and keep the pressure gentle but satisfying when starting off. Although some muscles may take up to 5 minutes to completely release, it is a good idea to switch to another trigger point every minute. This will make sure you are not stressing your muscles too much while they are adjusting to the massage.

Here’s a summary of the trigger points along the back and legs that can be targeting while sitting or laying down.

Trigger Point Map

