Features of blockchain technology application on the UMC platform

2 min readMay 21, 2018


Hello, UMC Community!

In this article we will tell you what are the main marketing problems in instant messengers; and also we will tell you how the application of the Etherium blockchain, which will be used on the UMC platform, can solve these problems.

  1. Problem: Non-compliance with the terms of agreement between the parties. In other words, it is hard to control the obligations, which both parties have.
    How does blockchain solve the problem:
    Blockchain will standardize advertising contracts and make them more transparent. Moreover, blockchain will provide an opportunity to control the placement of ads and the costs of advertising budgets. While the statistics on advertising campaigns can be manipulated, falsification of statistics will become impossible with the blockchain technology.
  2. Problem: Not clear commissions on advertising transactions through intermediaries for advertising
    How does blockchain solve the problem:
    Blockchain will provide transparency in transactions by placing accurate cost data
  3. Problem: Difficulties with cross-border payments and transactions for advertising in the form of different currencies and payment systems
    How does blockchain solve the problem:
    Payment in UMCC tokens will solve this problem
  4. Problem: Struggling with unfairness of partners, when advertising is placed on resources with low traffic with a low-quality content or audience
    How does blockchain solve the problem:
    Blockchain uses in the smart-contracts, through which the money is transferred automatically as soon as all obligations are met on the declared resources. At the same time, the list of expected hits is recorded in the blockchain and could not be changed.

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