Find an error on our website and gain token purchasing privileges

2 min readJun 4, 2018


Hello, friends !

UMC is a global company.

We know there are serious problems on our website and in the WP. They can prevent a person with little experience in the project from believing in its potential for success. We want to eliminate these shortcomings, therefore in the near future we will update our WP, launch a new version of the site, launch the MVP and demonstrate our Smart contract. We also plan to launch a large-scale marketing campaign. We are preparing especially carefully for this.

Today we will lift the veil of secrecy and tell you how our token will be arranged. It will take place in several stages:

The first stage is the formation of the Whitelist. In order to get secure a place, follow the updates on our news channels. We will post an announcement about the opening of the registration.

The second stage is the passage of KYC. Anyone who gets into WhiteList will need to pass a KYC check. We do not want our investors to have problems with the SEC.

The third stage is the sale of tokens to investors who have passed KYC.

We regret to inform you that not all community members will be able to get into the Whitelist. The number of Whitelist members will be limited. This is due to the fact that we already have preliminary applications for the purchase of tokens from large investors. However, we value our community and will try to provide an opportunity for everyone to buy our tokens.

And now the most interesting.

There is currently a small error on our site relating to WorkFlow.

All who find this error, will be able to register on the site and and get a place in the whitelist before the registration officially opens. These lucky people will have the opportunity to invest in the project an amount several times larger and therefore will get several times more tokens, than those who fall into the whitelist after the official registration.

Find this error and perhaps you will become one of the lucky ones who will receive these privileged conditions.

Good luck.

P.S .: Follow the news. Soon it will be hot ;)

