Problems of product promotion in messengers and their solution

3 min readMay 15, 2018


On March 23, 2018 the largest conference “Blockchain Day Russia”
( ) took place in Moscow. Many famous World experts in the field of cryptoeconomics and the blockchain technology were invited as the speakers of the conference. Among them — PR Director of the UMC company Vyacheslav Varchenko, who presented the topic “Problems of the promotion of blockchain projects in messengers and their solution”.

That’s what Vyacheslav told us about the conference …

According to Similarweb, at the beginning of 2018 messengers continue conquering the market of users communication. What is more, the main players in the messengers market are constantly expanding the geography of their products. Messengers have already surpassed social networks both by the number of users and by the time users spend there. To date, the audience of messengers has more than 3.5 billion users.

What are the problems faced by advertisers, advertising distributors and ordinary messenger users in their daily activities?

Problems of promoting products in instant messengers

Before conducting an advertising campaign in an instant messengers, the advertiser must solve a simple task — to analyze the quality of the audience as accurately as possible. But most messengers do not provide functionality for the detailed analysis of the chats, groups and channels.

Imagine the following situations.

Situation 1.

You have a product and want to promote it in the messengers.

In the beginning of the promotion process you should manually analyze which advertising platforms are popular, in order to understand where to place advertising. You should also find the owners of advertising platforms and contact them. After that you need to make an agreement. The process takes days, or even sometimes weeks.

And even if you have agreed with someone, you need to pay for this service. Then you normally check the agreement and hope that the advertisement will be on time.

Situation 2.

You want to place an advertisement in the messengers. One advertising platform contains 5 thousand users and potential advertisers. The placement of advertising on this site costs $ 1000. And there is the other advertising platform that suits you, with 10 000 members. The price of advertising is also $ 1000.

Which channel will you choose?

Most likely, many of you will choose a channel with a bigger number of users. But you will be wrong. You do not take into account the audience crossing factor. After all, the intersection of the audience of your product and the advertising platform with the audience of the second channel is 80%. And in the first channel it is only 20%. Thus, if you order an advertisement in a channel with 5 thousand subscribers, you will be able to promote your product to a bigger number of potential customers.

UMC is created to help you solve these and other problems

We have created a platform that will solve the above-mentioned problems

With the help of the blockchain technology, cryptocurrency, smart contracts, artificial intelligence — to calculate the most effective way of promotion — UMC platform will allow:

- To carry out quick selection of advertising platforms with the most relevant target audience;

- Effective work with content;

- Monetize content for all platform participants;

- it is most convenient to pay for services using the UMCC token, without losing time

- and many many others.

We are trying to create a global solution to problems.

We know the problems of advertising campaigns in instant messaging very well. Therefore, when working with the promotion of projects in this advertising channel, we try to take into account all aspects.

