UMC Technologies Limited and RoomDao have concluded a partnership agreement on mutual cooperation

1 min readJul 9, 2018


UMC Technologies Limited strives to build partnership relationships with the most promising projects and companies in the world. Today we are pleased to announce the beginning of a mutually beneficial partnership with the company RoomDao.

UMC will promote RoomDao products through its unique advertising platform. In turn, RoomDao will become a provider of tourism services in marketing projects of UMC.

RoomDao is a powerful solution for the tourist industry, which is developing a platform for the small local tourist service providers. Local providers are more flexible and can offer lower rates and a wider range of service. However, those companies have a hard time competing with established brands and international franchises. RaamDao advanced booking system let users rent a car, book accommodation and many more. All these services would be available at a much cheaper rate with excessive fees out of the equation.

The UMC is pleased with new partners and profitable agreements, which will soon bring incredible results!

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