What we can learn from the Eye of Sauron

2 min readMar 15, 2018


Image from the movie: The Lord of the Rings

The Lord of the Rings is an epic journey into the fascinating mind of J. R. R. Tolkien. If you haven’t heard of it however, I highly encourage you to set a date with your Netflix.

Apart from its great lessons about absolute power, greed, brotherhood and redemption, the one that I didn’t realize until recently was unshifting focus. And I learnt that from the Eye of Sauron. Unlike our constantly distracted eyes in the age of non-stop scrolling, the Eye of Sauron had one sole purpose: retrieve the precious ring. That’s what the unbudging, laser-focused force of evil did all day, every day. There’s something positive to be drawn from that in an obvious way.

Focus has become the one thing modern humans constantly struggle with. Can we do something about that? Absolutely. The strategy is simpler and older than time itself: do one thing at a time (like I’m doing right now, and you while reading this). A hungry cheetah may look at multiple targets, but locks in on one. Not many. An inventor tirelessly focuses on one idea until it becomes an invention. Not many. There’s little that can’t be done with small doses of discipline.

Nothing wrong with multitasking if that’s your thing, as long as you are multitasking with purpose. Switching between multiple social media apps might not be the way to get the most out of your multitasking routine. For example, I am currently working on a project that requires in-depth knowledge and understanding of multiple disciplines. This is where multitasking becomes particularly beneficial if you have the stamina for it. It’s a laborious process, but I understand its importance in the greater scheme of things. Through multitasking I am able to deduce well-rounded and sound conclusions. The important thing to remember here is to multitask for one thing. Not many. Otherwise you’re a farmer with infinite land to plough and no yield. The difference between an unfinished thought and an idea is focus. Focus and watch your super powers grow every day.




I try to simplify complex thoughts for a living.