Abdul Waheed
3 min readSep 23, 2021

If you are Feeling Uncomfortable with Hectic Routine Life then Change the Scene for a while.

Are you feeling uncomfortable with your hectic routine life nowadays, then why not change the present scene for a while?

If you are spending a lot of time in the same place and scene in your life, then you feel hectic over some time. A time has come when we feel uncomfortable in our life and desperation surrounds us from every side.

Now, what can we do if life leads us towards desperation?

It’s the early days of March and I am standing on the bank of a beautiful lake. Water is less due to winter in the lake but mustard flowers are blooming everywhere. High and blooming mustard has scattered yellow spring everywhere. I love this combination of green and yellow from my childhood.

Today this scene looked so fascinating to me that I had never felt before. It has been many years since I lived in this area and I have never given it importance.


Three months ago, I had to go to a remote area to conduct a survey. The area was all about desert and uncultivated. No one was happy to go there by heart.

It was a very difficult task to survey under the roasting sun, but we had taken responsibility for it. When I went out in the scorching sun, a phrase would automatically come to my tongue to encourage my heart.

“Love will not happen anymore,

One day, I was working in extreme heat, the boss came to me and said, “Are you smiling in such a heat, and you’re reading something also?” When he insisted me, I told him that I am whispering that “Love will not happen anymore, it will happen a few days later”

He laughed and said to me, “I don’t know much about love but let me tell you one thing that when you will leave this place, you will love your life more than ever”.

I did not take it on a serious note and it took three months more in this barren area. When I came to my town, everything seems to be changed.

Today, I am sitting by the lake, everything seems to be good, and I feel that everything from water to the winds and from birds to this green mustard is falling in love.

What happened in my life which changes my complete complexion?

The Change of Scene In Life

The change of scene in our life is so important to bring interest. Sometimes it is not easy to change the scene due to the hectic routine of life. But sometimes nature compels us to change the scene which looked hard to us. Just like me when we visited the roasted desert, I feel, change in the scene for a while is necessary.

How it is possible to change the scene in our life repeatedly?

I live in a town which is situated in a valley. It is full of beautiful scenes but I never discover these places before. Our district has two big and two small beautiful lakes. Mountains are all around the area and especially in the vicinity of lakes. These lakes are full of life all the time in the year.

I always dreamed to visit Switzerland to see glaciers and lakes there. But I never recognized that my area provides such locations. We live in birthplaces in a way that we are unable to see these beauties due to hectic routine work. We just dream the things which are not accessible in our life.

Then one day most powerful Nature takes these scenes away from us for a while to realize the value of such scenes.

Enjoy the Life Please

We must enjoy the blessings of nature and discover the places around our area to feel composed in life. After the experience, I understand that enjoying is by no means within our reach and we should enjoy nature all the time with the routine work.

Abdul Waheed

Hi my name is Abdul Waheed. I am an Educationist and Freelancer writer.