Is it easy to bulk lean being a Vegetarian?

Umang Shankar
2 min readOct 15, 2019


Short Answer — No, it is not easy. It might be the most difficult thing that you would ever undertake.

Veg vs Non Veg

Can you do it without supplements? — By my experience, No again. My next bit of info is based on the formula of consuming protein.

Formula >> Gms of Protein = Twice per KG of body weight

My body weight is 70kg and hence I should eat at least 140gms.

List of vegetarian options with their protein content/100gm -

  1. Eat lean Cheese — 37gms
  2. Paneer — 15gms
  3. Pulse — 5gms
  4. Brocolli — 2.8gms
  5. Chia Seeds — 17gms

These were the top 5 vegetarian protein sources that were available to me. Looking at this all might seem good, but with exception of Eatlean cheese, rest of the things come with either a lot of fat or a lot of carbs, which in the sense make them a not lean source of protein.

Now listing the top non-veg options, that I had access to -

  1. Chicken Breast — 31gms
  2. Salmon- 20gms
  3. Egg white-11gms

Now this protein comes with very less fat and negligible carbs, which makes them the aptest source of lean protein and hence lean mass build.

At last, mentioning the whey I consume — 27gms

P.S. — I am not trying to convert you all to being non-vegetarians. I, through my own experience sharing the difficulties I faced when I was vegetarian. Being a veggie is good if you want to be lean, but if you want to bulk, I guess the most accessible option is going nonveg.

