The word of the project’s CEO Timur Akhmedzhanov

UMKA Business, work, education
2 min readMay 30, 2018


The idea for this project was born when I realized, that at different stages of my life I have encountered problems that became solvable only now thanks to the latest technologies. In college and right after the defense of my diploma, it was hard for me to find work since employers often required knowledge and experience that I could not get in the university. When I worked for someone there was no guarantee that my work would be paid. When I hired employees, I could not be sure that they would deliver quality work in time. Every person working in IT (and not only in IT!) is acquainted with these issues.

UMKA is the product of my own experience, my mistakes and the hardships I have been through. I am convinced that this makes the project relevant. At the base of every concept, idea and detail behind the project lies deep understanding of the issues that members of the freelance market face, as well as knowledge of how to solve these issues. I am also absolutely certain that today, a large number of talented and promising young specialists are in need of specific knowledge and skills that are required by employers. We want to give these young specialists the tool that will allow them to receive additional education and look for work. This is the reason why we plan to host quarterly hackatons as a part of the project.

We have spent a lot of time studying the issues of the modern freelance market, especially its IT sector, and we have spent nearly as much time developing and testing our concept. We can now clearly see that UMKA will be able to solve the aforementioned issues. Why now? Simply because the technology necessary for this project has appeared only recently. Why us? Because every member of our team is a professional in their own field, as well as in the new blockchain & cryptocurrency industry. We have come a long way, we have worked hard, and we still have lots more to do, but we are prepared for this. We hope that you join us on our journey.



UMKA Business, work, education

Competent specialists, reliable customers, online courses from world’s leading educational institutions