Umn ministry Chennai
1 min readJan 13, 2024

Typically in theology, there are considered to be three primary levels of divine revelation:

1. General Revelation (or Natural Revelation)

This refers to God revealing Himself through nature, conscience, human reason, common grace, etc. It’s available to all people through creation, without the need for Scripture or special disclosure.

2. Special Revelation

This refers to God’s specific self-disclosure through miraculous means — i.e. directly to prophets/apostles or recorded in inspired Scripture. It reveals more information about God’s character, plans, and ways. It comes directly from God.

3. Illuminating Revelation

This refers to God’s ongoing work throughout history in providing illumination and discernment to properly understand and apply both General and Special revelation. It’s the work of the Holy Spirit to provide insight, conviction, and understanding that transforms revelation into personal knowledge.

So in summary, General Revelation provides basic awareness; Special Revelation supplies authoritative details and truth; and Illuminating Revelation grants wisdom in applying these truths via the ministry of the Spirit who imparts spiritual discernment in individual believers. These work together.

Some add additional categories like “existential revelation” referring to God revealing Himself through personal experience. But most view the three above as the major traditional levels that build upon each other in Christian theology.