Embracing My Youth: My Walk of Faith in Christ

Christian Rosa
3 min readAug 7, 2023


“Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity.”

‭‭1 Timothy‬ ‭4‬:‭12‬ ‭NIV‬‬

As a young believer, I often find myself struggling to be taken seriously by others simply because I look young. It can be disheartening to face skepticism and doubts about my ability to walk with Christ and live a life of exemplary faith. But deep down, I know that my age should never define my worth or my commitment to God.

In 1 Timothy 4:12, I find comfort and encouragement. It reminds me not to let anyone look down on me because of my youth. Instead, I am called to be an example for fellow believers in speech, behavior, love, faith, and purity. This verse resonates with me, inspiring me to rise above societal expectations and demonstrate God’s love and grace through my actions.

I admit that it’s not always easy to be the young one in the room, especially when my opinions and ideas are sometimes dismissed or brushed aside. But I choose to embrace this challenge as an opportunity for growth and a chance to deepen my faith. I believe that my youthfulness can coexist with a profound love for Christ, and I am determined to let my light shine brightly for Him.

To walk with Christ daily and embody the qualities mentioned in 1 Timothy 4:12, I take intentional steps in my faith journey:

  1. Studying God’s Word: I dedicate time to read and meditate on the Scriptures, seeking wisdom and understanding from God’s teachings.
  2. Prayer and Reflection: Prayer has become my lifeline, as I seek God’s guidance, strength, and comfort in every situation.
  3. Seeking Mentors: I surround myself with wise and mature believers who can offer me guidance and support as I navigate through life’s challenges.
  4. Practicing Humility: I acknowledge that I am a work in progress and embrace humility as I learn from my mistakes.
  5. Serving Others: I am eager to serve and love others selflessly, knowing that my actions can reflect Christ’s love and compassion.
  6. Living with Integrity: I strive to align my words and actions with my beliefs, letting my faith shine through in all I do.

Though I may be young, I am convinced that God has a purpose for me in this season of life. I understand that I don’t have all the answers, but I am willing to trust in God’s plan and embrace the journey of growth and transformation. I want to make a difference, to prove that age is not a barrier for those who seek to follow Christ wholeheartedly.

As I continue to walk this path, I take comfort in knowing that God’s love and grace are more than sufficient. I am excited to see how He will use me to be a beacon of light and hope to those around me. Through my faithfulness and commitment, I hope to inspire others to seek Christ and discover the joy of a life rooted in Him. With every step I take, I am determined to be an example of God’s love, faith, and purity, no matter my age or appearance.

