UNA Update 1st Sept 2023

4 min readSep 1, 2023

It’s been a week filled with one overriding opportunity greater than any other: That opportunity is deep gratitude.

Not only have we seen an growth in every sector of $UNA, the validation of our mission has grown yet again.

We have begun discussions with a 4th CEX (centralized exchange) to snapshot their users from the 7th of May 2022, inform them of their $UNA claim, and be a claimant themselves.

These are the highest form of validation in our estimation, as it confirms our thesis: The contagion is widespread, and this means that our social mission benefits more people than ever before. Moreover: HOPE LIVES ON FOR THOSE AFFECTED BY $LUNA and $UST IN THE FORM OF $UNA.

The journey to 1 has begun, and it will bring USTogether.


  • Fundraising is secured regardless of private sale pickup
  • Private sale is still bringing in people
  • Marketing has officially begun
  • Team is expanding
  • Growth is steady, starting to become non-linear
  • DeFi ecosystem technology secured
  • 4 CEX in discussion for snapshots and co-marketing

Community growth:

Our community continues to grow, especially fueled by our Zealy Campaigns we kicked off last week. https://medium.com/@una-coin/200-000-000-una-airdrop-claim-5e257d3a43f7

By the numbers:

Zealy: 224 Users joined!

Telegram: 406 member up from 273 members (67% increase)

Twitter: 1149 members — Increased by 197 members, and we cleansed a bunch of bots

Funding Update:

A reminder around our approach: Our private sale has a $500k hardcap and $250k Softcap.

We will not touch the private sale funds until $250k comes in. Other projects may deploy capital as soon as they recieve them with zero transparency. We’re not going to play that game with other people’s funds.

We know that $250k gets us to viability:

  • $50k for the finalization of our DApp
  • $100k for liquidity
  • $60k for a year of Market Making fees
  • $10k for Audits
  • $10k for Legal opinion
  • $10k for UX/ UI design
  • $10k for TGE marketing tools

We have raised $29,250 thus far. But the big news:


(We have 100% confidence in this funding source as it’s coming via one of our founder EnigmaFund’s most trusted backers of his fund.)

This is a massive flip for us, because it’s no longer a case of whether we raise capital to launch any longer. It’s whether people miss the opportunity to get in now or not.

WYGD? 🫡😉

On that note we will be closing the private sale in the coming weeks. Next week we will announce how much time will be left. We will also move the entire sale to Presail.com (or equivalent) to further formalize our processes.

Business Update:

  • In very positive discussions with 4 CEX to snapshot users with $LUNA and $UST on the 7th May 2022, and partner to inform their users, as well as prepare for their own claims
  • The former founder of TerraLearn (biggest education platform for TERRA network at it’s height) has joined the $UNA team to spear our TERRA ecosystem ($LUNA, $LUNC, $UST and projects that were building on TERRA)
  • Our team member John Bui heads for Korean Blockchain Week and Token2049 to spread the word of UNA and USTogether
  • We have a partnership with Liquid Crypto to whitelabel their incredible omnichain DeFi swaps, yield farms, bridge and more. This means that as people enter the $UNA ecosystem, they will be empowered by a full DeFi tech stack driven by deep AI. We will be sharing more on this soon.
  • Our team hero Peyote has assembled a group of over 70 well known whales and KOLs to help the cause
  • A dedicated team has been assigned to build our Zealy, Galxe and other questing campaigns. We should be kicking off on Monday. Prepare for BLAST OFF!!! 🚀🚀🚀 We’re expecting some pretty huge community growth and social dominance arising in the following weeks
  • We have partnered with a SOLUS, a marketing firm that loved what we do so much, that they are helping us assemble KOLs who got hurt by the collapse of $LUNA and $UST to help the cause. We are humbled by how much energy, trust effort and time they’re devoting to our mission on the journey back to 1 🔥🔥🔥.

In summary

This week has been a non-linear growth week for $UNA. With the validation we have received on multiple fronts, never has our cause been more clear and the destination certain.

We will bring hope back to the world of crypto. Our mission is borne of the back of the winds of innevitable change.

The journey back to 1, will bring USTogether. 🔥🚀🔥🚀🔥🚀

What is $UNA?

$UNA is a first memecoin of its kind with 50% of it’s supply allocated for free distribution to anyone who had $UST or $LUNA at the time of the depeg.

It’s designed to bring #USTogether, and get back to being 1, when:

1 $UNA = 1 $USD

At that point $UNA flips the script, and generates a decentralized highly overcollateralized stablecoin called $mUNA, backed only by $UNA and free from FIAT.

OUR VISION: To create the Web3 community recovery OS: a system and movement for the recovery of rugged communities like LUNA, Bitconnect, SquidGame and more.

We will empower these communities toward financial recovery in a powerful DeFi ecosystem built around $UNA, $mUNA while promoting inclusivity via the $gUNA in the DAO.

Learn more here:

Telegram: https://t.me/una_coin/1534

Twitter: https://twitter.com/una_ustogether

URL: www.una-coin.com




UNA is a token with 50% of our supply free to anyone who had $UST / $LUNA at the time of the depeg in May2022. Join us on the journey that brings #USTogether.