The Art of Embodied Artistry


It’s time to remember dear sister, to remember the intense pleasure available to us in this time-space dimension called human life.

It’s time to remember dear sister, to remember the waves of divinity available to us, as we surrender into the vision of our ultimate dreams. In our surrender allowing through the Life Force required to bring it all to form.

It’s time to remember, and to rejoice, in our ultimate talent for creation as we embody in fullness ourselves as Artists.

This piece is in remembrance of you,


the One

the Only

the Creator

and the Creation

the Observer

and the Observed

as you weave your spells into the fabric of consciousness

free from condemnation and judgement

in this

becoming the Genius Giant walking upon the playing field called Earth.

Are you ready to remember Darling?

Then take my hand and let’s wander through the wilderness of the psyche as experienced through the landscape of the archetypes collectively known as Artist.

As we traverse the layered archetypes of Divine Love, I invite you to shut out the voice of fear

for she has been deeply conditioned into your mind and she will attempt to divert your attention to each corresponding fear archetype which exists simultaneously as an alter-ego and which is the dominant archetypes of humanity at this time.

Yet you have the opportunity, right here right now, to choose differently.

You have the opportunity to choose Love, taking up your paintbrush and dipping her into a rainbow of possibility, creating something new, something original, something authentically YOU.


The foundational pillar of all creation is desire. Pure, unadulterated, untainted, desire. The level of desire which starts deep within your sacral chakra, birthed through life lived. A life in which you identify that which you no longer want, that which you never want, that which you want instead, that which you just want as the thought of it brings a smile to your face, and your pussy pulsates with anticipation the way she does when your lover gently stroke her in the moment of passion.

This desire rarely requires reason or season. She just is, and the moment you receive the impulse, the idea, the thought, she is created my friend. She is created through you, and you are worthy of her. She is available to you. She wants you. The Universe springs to attention, collecting all that is required for her to come to manifested form.

This is where you allow yourself to daydream. To fill her out with the greatest of detail — how she looks, how she feels, how she smells, how she makes you feel. You guard her with your life, never allowing her to be contaminated with the doubt or jealousy of another. Never justifying her to yourself or society at large. She is sacred. She is good. She is the ultimate purpose of your time on Earth.

The Artist luxuriates in the energy of The Lover. The Artist is un-rushed in the breath of The Lover. The Artists knows THIS is the most critical aspect of creation and will not be hurried along.

As desire fleshes out into a full-colour vision, we BeCome. We become the woman who creates the desires. We become the woman who lives the desire. The woman who thinks about the manifested desire. The woman who eats for the manifested desire. The woman who moves for the manifested desire.

We BeCome the Sovereign Identity of the Desire.

What a glorious responsibility!


The responsibility to create our dynasty, to live our legacy.

It begs the release of the old identity, the old environment, the old patterns of thought and behaviour, for the cultivation of the new.

It is liberating,

it is freeing,

it is empowering

and it is the exact thing most refuse to take on.

Don’t be that woman Sweetheart. Don’t be the woman who shrinks from the enormity of her desires. Don’t be the woman who shirks the greatness of her talent. Don’t be the woman who stops the flow of Source from the full expression of your desire into our world just because of stories told by the tribe of mediocrity!

Instead, rise into your glorious fullness. Open yourself to the Genius of your Being and TRUST! You’ve got this, you have to have this, it’s YOURS in the creating, YOURS in the receiving. Without you it will not see the light of day and that would just be a damned shame.

The Sovereign declares her desires to the Universe as DONE. For it is. She has spoken the word, she has become the vessel, she is The One.


As The Artist dons her sovereign cloak, she knows there’s a dedication required in the practice of her Art. With the strength of the Warrior, the focus of the Warrior, the discipline of the Warrior, she comes to her creation every day, practicing the thoughts required to hold the structure of her creation.

She brings her hands to the clay, removing all that is excess to the vision. She allows herself to feel the fabric of her creation, moulding and changing the shape of the form, becoming one with, whilst remaining seperate from her creation.

The Warrior holds the container for all the components required in the completion of her vision. She tends to herself, she as the vessel, ensuring her vibration equals that of her desire, and in this she attracts those who are here to co-create in our interdependent dance of creation.

The Artist as Warrior opens herself to the resources abundantly poured upon her by the Universe. Open and receptive, open and allowing in her absolute worth.


The final facet of The Artist, is where we recognise our divinity. It’s the remembrance of WHAT we are — human + being / consciousness evolving through human life.

The Genius is the ‘magical’ power of The Artist. She collaborates with the Cosmos, with All That Is, physical and non-physical. With the certainty of a brilliant physician, she cuts, she sculpts, she sews and she breathes life into the essence of the creation.

Every aspect, every dot, every speckle, is witnessed with the deepest of appreciation and wonder, as she creates her fantastical WonderLand for the pure enjoyment of the creative process.

The Genius knows that she knows. That the next answer, the next step, the next movement, will be illuminated at the precise moment required. Until then, she simply allows for the present, discerning between that which enhances her and that which will attempt to diminish her. The Genius does not seek the answers from another, she does not fall into the trap of replication or the tempestuous blueprint of another. The Genius craves, the Genius values, originality above all else.


As we bring together the Lover, Sovereign, Warrior and Genius, we find a rhythm of creation as old as Creation itself. And as Creation is eternal, so is this dance we get to weave from cradle to grave and beyond. Each desire creates within us an expanded Self which, once embodied, has already birthed the next desire, and the next.

The true potency of consciously embodying The Artist, is not the pride and delight as the final component finds completion and you get to experience your desire in the flesh. Although it most certainly is a delightful spectacle to behold. But that is nothing compared to the joy as you realise your next level of potential evolved into who you are. You have BECOME through your CHOICE of artistry as a way of experiencing life.

Aaah, if only more could remember. If only more could remember the illusion of it all. If only…

But for today, it is enough if YOU remember, unshackling your mind from the tribal conditioned existence where humans need problems to feel needed, where women need pain for them to feel worthy of gain.

You have nothing to prove Gorgeous.

You are the Creation and the Creator.

The Human and The Being.

You Are The Artist — Lover, Sovereign, Warrior, Genius.

It’s time for women such as you to bring back WonderLand. It’s time for women like you to live your legacy: unleashed, unlimited, unapologetic.

From The Unapologetic Woman Rempowerment Magazine Issue Four

Unlock the transformative power of feminine self-leadership with Elle, your partner in intentional living. With over two decades as a Life and High Performance Coach, Elle realized the missing link for women leaders — the emotional reclamation and remembrance of self. This inspired her to create the Feminine Art of Self-Leadership, moving beyond the masculine coaching modality and embracing the feminine calibration of holistic allness.

Femme leaders, it’s time to reclaim your emotional depth and lead unapologetically. Book a confidential consultation with Elle to explore the depths of feminine self-leadership and embark on your transformative journey:



Elle Nagy - Founder of The Unapologetic Woman

Unveiling the beauty of the human experience, one word at a time. Join me on this journey of self-discovery and rempowerment. " - Elle xo