Meet Hayley, a young inspiration

Hayley Apollis, a student at Stellenbosch University, tells us why she joined Unashamed and what she has learnt on the journey

2 min readApr 19, 2017


I joined Unashamed because as a young womxn growing up around an older generation of womxn, I have come to notice the inequalities these womxn have faced. While we have reached the 21st century I am still shocked by the slow pace we as womxn are forced to progress at.

The patriarchal system is so heavily ingrained in our society that womxn often do not see the inequality they are faced with and often take it as a given and accept it.

I wished to join Unashamed to educate womxn of all ages, as well as myself, that we do not have to be ashamed of our gender, body or our sexuality. Womxn should not have to deprive themselves of earthly pleasures and freedom because it is not “ladylike”.

While being on the Unashamed team I have also learnt a lot myself.

Unashamed places heavy emphasis on intersectional feminism which I believe is important and lacking in our modern society.

While I believed I needed to join Unashamed to educate myself and other womxn on the importance of intersectional feminism and fighting the patriarchal system, I now realise that this is not just for womxn. Men need it, too.

Men need feminism because they are oppressed by the patriarchal system, too. They are taught that they are not to show emotion, they are to be the protectors and that they are to be strong and if they are anything other than that they are to be shamed. The same way womxn are victim blamed in rape cases, it also suggests that men are sexual animals that cannot control themselves. It is for these exact reasons that I joined Unashamed — to educate and be educated on matters we are taught to be silenced and ashamed of.




We refuse to be ashamed of womxn, womxn’s bodies and womxn’s concerns. Come talk to us.