Технологии Москвы
1 min readAug 12, 2019


Dear Julia

We appreciate your interest in our first experiment for implementing an electronic voting system in Moscow city elections in 2019. We also would like to mention your successful story related to i-vote held in march 2019.

According to publication «BREAKING THE ENCRYPTION SCHEME OF THE MOSCOW INTERNET VOTING SYSTEM» we understand the concept of compiling data encrypted by public keys to find out the original data. The idea was to find a private key and the original data before both of it will be published.

We apologize for our documentation is not translated to English yet. It will be translated soon.

We absolutely agree that 256x3 private key length is not secure enough. This implementation was used only in a trial period. In few days the key’s length will be changed to 1024. We are very welcome for you to try to use cudo-nfs or similar or any other methods to break the used cryptography.

You are absolutely right, ballots and voters are the different entities not connected to each other.

We express regret for you declining our invitation to take part in international meetup held in Moscow in September 2019. We are highly interested in making a collaboration with you and hope for further cooperation. We will keep in touch to send you an updates of our projects.

