Google’s Project Oxygen: crucial manager’s Traits

Unbinary Life
3 min readMay 15, 2023


Project Oxygen is a human resource management initiative that Google started in 2008 with the goal of identifying the crucial traits of successful managers at the company.

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The project involved analyzing vast amounts of internal data on employee surveys, performance evaluations, and other factors, and conducting surveys and interviews with managers across the company.

Through this research, Google identified eight key behaviors that characterize effective managers. These are:

1. Being a good coach: Managers should actively help employees identify and work towards their goals, provide regular feedback, and offer guidance and support.

2. Empowering the team: Managers should give employees the autonomy and resources they need to succeed while providing guidance and support as needed.

3. Expressing interest in team members’ success and well-being: Managers should take an interest in their employees’ personal and professional lives, and support them in achieving their goals.

4. Being results-oriented: Managers should prioritize achieving goals and delivering results, while also ensuring that employees have the resources and support they need to be successful.

5. Being a good communicator: Managers should be clear, concise, and effective communicators, who are able to give and receive feedback effectively.

6. Supporting career development: Managers should be actively involved in helping employees develop their careers, and provide opportunities for learning and growth.

7. Having a clear vision and strategy: Managers should have a clear understanding of the team’s goals and objectives, and be able to communicate them effectively to team members.

8. Possessing technical expertise: Managers should have the necessary technical knowledge and skills to effectively manage their team and contribute to the organization’s success.

If you observe carefully, 7 out of 8 findings are human traits that are more qualitative in nature. The successful managers at the company possess a unique set of skills and qualities that are not easily quantifiable.

No wonder successful managers exhibit traits such as empathy, effective communication, adaptability, resilience, strategic thinking, emotional intelligence, and a growth mindset. These traits enable them to connect with their teams on a deeper level and foster a positive work culture.

These findings highlight the importance of investing in developing these human qualities in every manager rather than just focusing on technical skills.

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By nurturing these traits in ourselves as managers, we can create a more productive and fulfilling work environment and life for everyone involved. It is also a starting point for the march toward being a thoughtful leader!

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Unbinary Life

Embracing a philosophy that rejects binary choices and trying right mix to balance logic and emotions to understand and navigate Life better!!