40 Things You Should Never Tell Someone You’re Dating or Married to!

5 min readJul 24, 2023
Photo by Vera Arsic on pexel.com

Sharing everything with the one we love is a sign of a really deep intimate relationship. And this is the way it should be.

But, if there is even the slightest sign of disrespect towards the one you love in the messages you’re conveying, then keep in mind that’s the only thing their brain will focus on and ignore everything else. That’s human nature!

That said, I’m a great believer in complete openness and honesty.

  • Too little honesty is destructive.
  • Too much honesty and openness is also destructive.
  • And then, there’s honesty with unintended consequences.

However, It’s pretty great to have someone who can point out your flaws. That’s how we evolve and grow — and that’s probably the most fun part of a relationship — GROWTH!

Some things, like the list below , should rather be put in that special cabinet of “Things You Shouldn’t Say To Your Significant Other,” along with the “Ex-Files.”

If you say some of the following, depending on how you said them, your obituary may be in the media…lol.

In the grand scheme of things, certain things are better left unsaid!




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