🏠 An Investor’s take from ETHBogota at home

un.Block Newsletter
3 min readOct 27, 2022


🌊 Exciting Trend

Bridge Web2 Identity to Web3

Talk given by Interep, Ethereum Privacy and Scaling Explorations.

DID is very popular in last several quarters. These projects plan to build the reputation system from the ground up in the blockchain world. This is pretty hard as Web3 is still in the early stage. More people are coming here in the near future. It is hard for these new comers to start their blockchain journey with 0 reputation.

Migrating Web2 reputation to Web3 sounds like a good idea because most people have tons of reputation in the Web2 social media platform, like Twitter, Reddit and Github.

Interep is trying to bring the Web2 identity to Web3. A new user needs to connect wallet and uses OAuth to connect Interep with his Web2 account. Then according to Interep’s criteria, the new user will be assigned to a group, ex. golden group or silver group. After user joining the group, other dApp can use these identity information in their dApp.

The whole authentication process is anonymous. Nobody can reveal any connections between the wallet and the specific Web2 social account, but everyone knows your Web2 group. Interep takes the Web2 identity sources and group criteria. Semaphore use the ZK to generate proofs and preserve the privacy.

Recursive ZK Applications and Affordances

Talk given by Nalin Bhardwaj and Ying Tong.

I talked about ZK recursion early this year in my ZK research paper. Recursive ZK brings two main characteristics:

  • Compression
  • Composability

Recursion bringing compression is very intuitive. The example would be a rollup of signatures/light client proofs/transactions.

Composability means “a prover shows knowledge to a verifier, without fully knowing the underlying facts themselves”. The composability is normally applied in the composition across different prove systems. Developers can better customize the proving stacks and swap different modulars. Some examples would be

  • Information theoretic compilers, e.g. One party simulate the whole MPC
  • Composing cryptographic compilers, eg STARK verifier in Groth16 prover
  • Tailor-made cryptographic compilers, e.g. GKR verifier in Groth16 prover

The whole idea here is to apply recursive ZK and its composition property into proving systems customization. There are other works need to be done for better systematize the customization:

  • Benchmark
  • Standardized criteria for comparing different compositions
  • Auditing, formal verification

For investors, we need to think about why we need to customize proving systems and would customization be the next trend?



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