Mastering Your Emotional Self: The Law of Irrationality

Unbound Thinking
3 min readSep 18, 2023


Do you like to imagine yourself in control of your fate, consciously planning the course of your life as best you can? But you are largely unaware of how deeply your emotions dominate you. They make you veer toward ideas that soothe your ego, look for evidence that confirms what you already want to believe, and see what you want to see, depending on your mood. This disconnect from reality is the source of the bad decisions and negative patterns that haunt your life. Rationality is the ability to counteract these emotional effects, to think instead of react, and to open your mind to what is really happening, as opposed to what you are feeling. It does not come naturally; it is a power we must cultivate, but in doing so, we realize our greatest potential.

The Inner Athena: Pericles’ Journey to Rationality

One day toward the end of the year 432 BC, the citizens of Athens received some very disturbing news. Representatives from the city-state of Sparta had arrived in town and presented new terms of peace to the Athenian governing council. If Athens did not agree to these terms, Sparta would declare war. Sparta was Athens’s archenemy, and war with them seemed inevitable, casting a sense of impending doom over the city.

In the midst of this turmoil, Pericles, the elder statesman of Athenian politics, stepped forward to address the Assembly. Pericles was a peculiar leader, more of a philosopher than a politician, known for his restrained and dignified speaking style. He had transformed Athens with his unorthodox approach to leadership, focusing on consolidating the empire and strengthening alliances, rather than pursuing needless wars for personal glory.

Pericles proposed a novel form of warfare, limiting and defensive, which would bring the citizens within the walls of Athens, let the Spartans lay waste to their lands, but avoid a direct land battle. Athens would use its navy to raid Spartan coastal towns, gradually depleting their resources and frustrating their army, leading to a lasting peace.

Despite initial doubts and setbacks, Pericles’ strategy ultimately gained the upper hand, but a devastating plague struck Athens, killing over one-third of the population, including Pericles himself. With his absence, the Athenians’ bitterness grew, factions reemerged, and the city descended into chaos.

The subsequent Sicilian expedition, motivated by greed and ambitions contrary to Pericles’ principles, led to Athens’ downfall. The Athenians’ impulsive decisions, loss of rationality, and departure from Pericles’ guiding spirit brought an end to their golden age.

Cultivating Your Inner Athena

Pericles’ story offers a powerful lesson in mastering our emotions and cultivating rationality. Like Pericles, we often believe we are rational, yet our decisions are often driven by base emotions. To become truly rational, we must:

  1. Master Our Emotions: Question and analyse your emotions. Don’t react impulsively. Train yourself to remain calm and think before making decisions.
  2. Prioritize the Greater Good: Base your decisions on what serves the greater good, not personal gain. Avoid the ego trap that leads to selfish and short-sighted choices.
  3. Open Your Mind: Consider a wide range of options and consequences before deciding. Deliberate longer, reassess your strategies, and strive for flexibility in your thinking.
  4. Resist Distractions: When others bring drama and emotions, use your rationality to stay focused and think past them.

Pericles’ rationality was guided by Athena, the embodiment of practical intelligence. By aligning ourselves with our inner Athena, we can achieve clarity of thought, make wiser decisions, and attain our greatest potential.

In conclusion, rationality is a power we can cultivate, enabling us to master our emotions and make decisions that serve the greater good. Pericles’ journey serves as an inspiring example of the transformative power of rationality in the face of chaos and emotion-driven decisions. Cultivate your inner Athena, and you’ll unlock your true potential.

“Like an athlete continually getting stronger through training, your mind will become more flexible and resilient. Clear and calm, you will see answers and creative solutions that no one else can envision.”



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