5 min readAug 5, 2021


Giving a voice to the future of talent

Photo by frank mckenna

Building a company for unboxable talent isn’t just a pie-in-the-sky slogan; we practice what we preach. The following story is part of our own series of UNBOXING TALENT that taps into one of the most influencing forces of the Future of Talent: the hybrid economy. We decided to start this revolution at the very core of our own company, so here’s a glimpse into one of the team, and what makes them unboxable.

It’s rare that when you meet someone for the first time they bring their full, real, brutally honest self. Daniel is one of those people. He’s our newest Matching Researcher who’s building our unbiased, gender neutral Job Simulators that are equalizing the playing field for all.

Based out of beautiful Goa in southern India, Daniel is living his dream of balancing career and life; he has succeeded in creating himself a world where his passions don’t come at a sacrifice to his work, allowing him to be more present in every moment.

Daniel in 3D

Daniel has always been UNBOXABLE. Born in the US, he grew up in a religious home in Bet Shemesh and studied in a yeshiva school. But Daniel was able to unbox himself from the confines of strict religion — did extricating himself from his unconventional beginning set him on the path to question his place in the world?

After Daniel finished his service in the special forces, he didn’t do The Big Trip like his peers did. Instead he threw himself into studying architecture at ​​the Bezalel Academy of Arts and Design in Jerusalem for five years. After a short bout of sitting in front of a computer with only Autocad software to keep him company, he knew that the landscape architecture path wasn’t for him, so he pivoted his career to a global VC firm where he climbed the ranks for three years.

“When I was younger I thought chasing money and titles was the only option. I had a good job with a steady income that afforded me a nice life. On paper everything looked good but inside I was falling apart. I was unfulfilled and at rock bottom — depressed, uninspired. It was a tough time.”

The work was interesting, he learned powerful transferable skills, but again, it wasn’t fuelling his inner being, and when he could’ve been socializing or enjoying the benefits that came from being a young urbanite professional, he wasn’t inspired to do any of it.

Daniel understood that for his own wellbeing, something needed to change. He found the courage to leave the ‘good life’ behind and with his partner of 11 years, left the comfort of Israel to the challenge of India. After working on himself, reading and workshopping through personal struggles, he reconnected with what he really wanted — to slow down, and live a more peaceful, natural, honest life.

“I found myself living in a quiet town with beauty all around me; natural pools and monsoons. I finally fell in love with being in a slower mode — jam sessions, beach parties, sunsets. It was like Never Never Land but for people who had actually grown up and had chosen this purposeful path. Every day since I landed here I get to connect with and explore who I really am, which is the greatest gift.”

Daniel made do with simpler jobs that paid the bills — selling smoothie bowls locally and working remotely as a community manager. Then Corona arrived to shake the ground beneath his feet.

Turning a corner

After a period of uncertainty, Daniel found the non-profit ESD Global which empowers people through self-defence. To this day Daniel is helping build a curriculum for men that guides them on how to create boundaries, defend themselves, and speak up against physical violence. He thrives in this unique role, combining his passion for helping people overcome challenges with his beliefs in the importance of gender equality and personal growth.

Daniel finally met LNRD and immediately, both sides knew that they could make a positive impact on the world together. After long talks with the founders, and a “mind blowing” Job Simulator experience that surfaced compatibility, Daniel’s role as a Matching Researcher was born.

Daniel loves LNRD’s goal of ensuring unboxable talents find roles they’re genuinely compatible with, setting aside all labels and judgements; he embodies our dreams of building a home where people are encouraged to grow and be fulfilled.

“What LNRD is doing for the workforce is something I feel in my own skin. If people are in a position to use their talents and be happy too, then the company they work for will benefit. This is true for me and LNRD. The hiring protocol itself was different to anything I’d ever experienced before. Here, my combination of skills from analytics to creativity are embraced, and my ideas are valued.”

How it feels to thrive

We talk about thriving at work — for Daniel he believes it’s crucial for people to shake off the mindset that they’re lucky to have been chosen for a role. No, the opposite is true.

“Value yourself and your worth. Employers are lucky to have you, not the other way around.”

Working for female founders has been revelatory for Daniel. He feels how different LNRD is to other places he’s worked and he wishes the gender balance in many industries and in wider society were more equal.

I love that there’s no inflated egos or hierarchy. The founders are human-first and show in every way that they believe in their mission — which every one of us feels thanks to their leadership.”

This article only scratches the surface of how unique and UNBOXABLE Daniel is. What he does for the vulnerable community, how he proudly displays his journey of growth, and how he’s found a way to balance his responsibilities with his own and his partner’s needs, is inspiring. He’s honest about who he is, and his ease for conversation made me feel like we were old friends.

Daniel might be a remote LNRDer with oceans between him and LNRD’s HQ in Israel, but his contribution to the team is immeasurable. Great to have you Daniel!

To experience LNRD’s Job Simulator for yourself and to see our available roles, visit lnrd.io




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