The Amazing Brain Part II

3 min readSep 22, 2021


By Margie Zylbersztejn-Zonana. Giving a voice to the future of talent

LNRD’s Matching Analyst Margie works to surface True Fit between talents and companies. And her side game as an ontological coach supports her role; she’s able to help people better achieve their goals by demystifying inaccurate conclusions they’ve internalized over the years so they can have new beliefs of who they are.

We’ve asked her to impart some of her wisdom regarding the amazing brain and the power it has in the hiring process. Read Part I here. Take it away Margie…

“So in Part I, I left off at the ‘freaking out’ stage of an interview, when the Limbic and the Reptilian brains have hijacked the wheel from the Neocortex and we’re not really showing who we are.

Yes, sometimes we get lucky and manage to remain calm in an interview; the Neocortex seems to be in control of the situation. But the bad news is — even this isn’t the ideal scenario.

If we let the Neocortex lead we don’t really show who we are (remember the Neocortex brings beautiful costumes to everybody and ensures that in order for ‘the plan’ to go well, we have to behave and let this part of our brain talk.)

Instead, we’re more in our future selves, displaying how we want to be seen and what we imagine we will be or do.

In this moment our Neocortex makes us believe we can manage everything, multitask, deal with stress, be the expert, work with a team collaboratively etc etc. And we aren’t lying, we really are all those things (mostly, but not always — we’re human after all!)

But in that 30min-1 hour interview with our Neocortex brain steering, it skews our perception of ourselves, and makes us really feel that we will love the company, the colleagues, the boss, and that we will nail the job. We exhibit the behaviours that this job is perfect for us. THAT is the Neocortex with the costumes talking.

The truth is — we are always a combination of our three brains. Sometimes we succeed in navigating a situation, and sometimes we’re desperate to run away from every situation and everybody. Let’s use our three brains to our advantage because they are what makes up our 3D selves; our strengths and our weaknesses, our present and our futures, what we would like to be, what we like, and what we need.

Bringing this back to LNRD — how can a CV show who we truly are? It can’t. It’s the ‘on paper’ version of ourselves. And how can an interview show who we truly are? It can’t. It’s the desirable version of ourselves.

Picture the difference between the CV/interview ‘you’ vs the ‘you’ who is calm, in your natural environment, going at your own pace, with your own comforts, answering a number of questions about the role with no time limit.

You need to apply for a job in a setting where you’re comfortable and relaxed so you can show your true, holistic self and optimize all three parts of your brain.

This is what LNRD offers.

LNRD’s hiring methodology involves a deep discovery of the role and a Job Simulator, so that for the first time, you’re presented (before applying) with all the information on the company and role (we collect from the company every crucial bit of info with full transparency). So you can decide to proceed because it’s a job that genuinely meets your requirements and where you’ll know you’ll thrive.

You get to show your hard and soft skills, and above all else, you come from a place where you’re finally relaxed enough to be honest about what you really need and want, in order to nail that specific position in that specific company with that specific team lead.

This is human compatibility.

It boils down to honesty.

When both parties are more honest, they will understand each other a million times better than any of the outdated hiring practises companies use today.

Part III coming soon…”

Thanks Margie!!




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