Akiane Kramarik Painting of Jesus

A simple guide to accepting Jesus into your heart.

In these uncertain times, our need for Jesus becomes even more apparent, and our sense of urgency awakens.

Karla B Monterrosa
6 min readMar 18, 2020


What would life be like if you had a confident trust in Him and knew that the troubling times we are living in are all part of His divine plan to restore the earth from all the harm human sin has created?

What would it be like if you knew that nothing could separate you from His love?

What would it be like to know that no matter what happens around you or to you, you will enter His eternal and heavenly peace?

If you have yet to place your hope and trust in Jesus, do not let another day go by without accepting the gift of salvation given to you when you place your trust in the Son of God.

He alone delivers hope, peace, and salvation for our souls.

Revelation 3 tells us, “He stands at the door and knocks. If you hear his voice and open the door, He will come in and share a meal with you together as friends”.

Has the Lord been knocking on your door?



Karla B Monterrosa

I’m an author, speaker, spiritual director, and coach committed to helping women heal from abuse and thrive in their faith, family, and purpose. 👩🏻‍💻📚🎤