How to buy ships in the market and also sell to the market.

The Uncharted Game
4 min readApr 24, 2022


A. Buying in the market

  1. Visit the official website

2. Click on “connect” to connect to the wallet

3. Connect successful, click on “market” at the top to enter the market page.

4. You can choose the type of (ship or emblem) on the column to the left of the page which falls under “CLASS”, the number of stars of the ship which you would like to purchase under “RARITY”, which includes the ship’s attributes(this falls under “STATS”). (The following purchase instructions are for examples regarding ships, if you want to buy emblems please click on “other”, and then proceed and start from step number 4).

5. After filtering, choose the ship that suits your needs, click on the ship to enter the “details” page and start to purchase the ship of your choice.

6. Click on the yellow button with the price indicated and start with your purchase.

7. Enter the status page, which displays “Purchase successful”

8. Click on “Go to wallet”, check whether id9700030 is in “My wallet”, if it appears in “My wallet”, it means that the purchase in the market has successfully completed.

B:Selling to market

  1. Login to the official website, connect your wallet, click on “wallet” at the top, enter the “wallet” page. (The selling process takes ships as an example, if you want to sell emblems then please click on “My guild”, then proceed from step number 2 with a similar fashion.)

2. Choose the ship you would like to sell, click on “sell”, you will be prompted with a window which you’ll be required to enter the price you wish to sell at and enter a remark(not mandatory).

3. After setting has completed, please click on “Confirm”.

4. Enter the page to confirm your procedure, and follow the instructions to complete the process.

5. The status shows that ship with id9700049 is busy getting sold on the market, click on “Go to market” to confirm the selling process.

6. ID700049 is getting sold on the market, waiting for buyer confirmation, the selling process on the market is thus complete.

C. How to check purchase record on the market and also how to cancel selling to market.

  1. On the “wallet” page, click on “My orders” on the left navigational column.

2. Enter the “My orders” page, the “purchases record and selling record” will be displayed by default, including that of the purchases record of the bottles.

3. Click on the top to switch tabs, click on “buy” to check your purchases record.

4. Click on the top to switch tabs, click on “sale” to check your selling record.

5. When a ship hasn’t been sold to anyone yet, click on “cancel” to cancel selling to market.

6. Click on “confirm”, the status will display that the cancellation of selling to market was a success.

7. Click on “wallet” to confirm whether the ship is indeed back to the wallet.



The Uncharted Game

Uncharted is the first metaverse game that hails human’s exploration of ocean and unknown continents.