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A First Look at Apple’s Sexy New Laptop

Uncle Aaroh Testing
2 min readNov 7, 2023

The tech world has been buzzing with news of Apple’s latest innovation — a sleek, ultrathin laptop that is arguably their sexiest ever. But is it all style over substance, or does this laptop have real potential?

The Display: Packed with a high-resolution retina display at an unusual resolution of 2304 x 1440 pixels on its 12-inch panel. The display is bright, ultra-sharp, and boasts vibrant colours and great viewing angles. It’s easy to mistake this for a touchscreen, that’s how good it is.

The Design: It’s the ultra-thin, lightweight and highly portable aesthetics that steal the show. The internals are more of a glorified tablet connected to a keyboard sort of feel. This laptop packs a ton of battery and incredibly, all the computer parts itself can fit in the palm of your hand. Adding to its appeal, it is fanless, which translates to no moving parts and absolute silence.

Performance: It’s more of an everyday machine, equipped with an Intel Core M dual-core processor, it’s not a power-packed titan. This is not the machine for heavy video editing, graphics designing, or any other such tasks. This is ideal for basic note-taking, light tasks, and everyday use.

Price: With the starting price at 1299 and upgrade price at 1599, you get half a terabyte of storage, eight gigs of RAM, and Dual Core. This laptop isn’t about raw power, it’s about aesthetics and ultra-portability. The buyer will bear the brunt of all the adaptors and sacrifices made to attain its sleek profile.

Keep an avid eye out for a fully detailed review and comparisons with other machines as this is a first-gen product and improvements can be expected in the second gen.

Apple has once again made a risky yet impressive move that’s worth watching closely.

