Uncle Aaroh Testing
2 min readOct 26, 2023


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Hey there, everyone! Today, I’m going to show you an effortless way to customise your Firefox browser. We’ll be installing the MAC OS 10 theme, and I can guarantee that it’s as simple as one might guess. So, let’s get started!

Our starting point is a popular search engine, with Google as the optimum choice. What you need to look up is ‘Firefox Add-ons’. The first link that appears in the search results will direct you to add-ons.mozilla.org. Make sure you see the Mozilla Corporation logo as it authenticates that you’re following the right path.

Once you’re on the website, navigate to the ‘Themes’ section of the add-ons. I’m opting for the MAC theme as it has been my trusted choice previously. Key in ‘MAC’ into the search bar and you’ll come across several options. I would suggest going for the first one that’s compatible with Firefox 3.0.5 or 3.0.6 for Windows, because that’s the version I am using. The MAC OSX theme by golf a t is a brilliant choice and we need to give credit where it’s due.

Installation is a breeze with Firefox. Click on ‘Add to Firefox’ and install it. Initially, it will download the theme and then prompt you to restart Firefox. Fear not, it won’t affect your active tabs or bookmarks as Firefox is smart enough to restore them all.

Now, if for any reason you’re not fond of the new theme, you can easily revert it. Go to ‘Tools’, select ‘Add-ons’ and scroll down to find the one you’ve recently installed. In this case, it is the MAC OS 10 theme. There, you can easily click uninstall if you wish to. But if you’re like me and enjoy this particular theme, simply exit the window and continue using the theme.

Elaborating further, if you want to go back to a previous theme, follow the same steps through ‘Tools’ and ‘Add-ons’, click on the theme you want to revert to and hit ‘Use Theme’ followed by a quick restart of Firefox. Firefox will apply your selected theme automatically.

So, there you have it, a quick, simple guide to acquiring and applying themes in Mozilla Firefox 3.0. I hope it’s been helpful and if there are any other video tutorials you’d like to see, feel free to drop me a message. Thanks for reading and happy browsing!

